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Perceptions of an Electronic Dress as Fashion, Art, and Costume
Dress Pub Date : 2020-10-08 , DOI: 10.1080/03612112.2020.1799568
Virginia Rolling , Karla P. Teel

Recently, electronic dresses have been displayed as museum art objects for aesthetic evaluation. This cultural phenomenon was explored by determining museum visitors’ aesthetic experiences in viewing a dress with and without added electronics. Using a qualitative grounded-theory approach, the authors interviewed forty-four millennial participants during different viewings of the dress. Interview data results support that participants viewed apparel without digital music or colored LED lights as fashion, apparel with digital music as art, and apparel with colored LED lights as costume. This research is helpful for diverse fields such as apparel marketing and design, performing arts, and art museums.



近来,电子服饰已作为博物馆艺术品展出以进行审美评价。这种文化现象是通过确定博物馆参观者在观看带或不带电子设备的衣服时的审美体验来探索的。使用定性的扎根理论方法,作者在不同视角下采访了 44 名千禧一代参与者。访谈数据结果支持参与者将没有数字音乐或彩色 LED 灯的服装视为时尚,将数字音乐视为艺术的服装,以及将带有彩色 LED 灯的服装视为服装。这项研究对服装营销和设计、表演艺术和艺术博物馆等多个领域都有帮助。
