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On Dianoesis-Argumentation
Chinese Literature and Thought Today Pub Date : 2020-11-04 , DOI: 10.1080/10971467.2020.1800913
Chen Jiaying

Editors’ Abstract

In this paper, Chen aims to elucidate the nature of dianoesis, starting from the basic fact that we already hold a certain belief before we begin to argue for it. It concludes that what dianoesis endeavors to achieve is the understanding of ways-and-patterns of things, so that our scattered understanding gets connected. The author then addresses frequent misconceptions about the nature of dianoesis, such as that genuine dianoesis equals reasoning from premises neutral to any prejudice or from the absolutely evident and that the sole function of dianoesis is to change the audience in their opinion in order to reach agreement.




在本文中,Chen旨在阐明基本的事实,即在我们为之辩护之前就已经拥有某种信念,这是从阐明这一现象的本质。结论是,解剖学努力实现的是对事物的方式和模式的理解,从而使我们分散的理解相互联系。然后,作者解决了关于人畜共患病性质的常见误解,例如,真正的人畜共患病等于从中立的前提到任何偏见或绝对证据的推理,并且人畜共患病的唯一功能是改变听众的意见以达成共识。 。
