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The Presence of Courses that Address Diversity in Community College Curricula
Community College Journal of Research and Practice Pub Date : 2021-01-26 , DOI: 10.1080/10668926.2021.1877214
Linda Coats 1 , Stephanie King 1


With the growing diversity of the population in the United States, it is becoming increasingly important to teach students about issues related to diversity. This is especially true in the community college where a large, and diverse, number of students enter postsecondary education. This study employed a descriptive design of the catalogs of 145 rural, suburban, and urban community colleges with varied enrollments throughout the United States to determine how many courses that address diversity were offered, including the department offering the course and the specific focus. Findings revealed that colleges classified as small and medium were less likely to offer these courses, as were colleges located in rural areas and towns and those located in New England, the middle section of the United States, and the South.




随着美国人口的日益多样化,向学生传授与多样性相关的问题变得越来越重要。在社区大学中尤其如此,那里有大量多样的学生进入中学后教育阶段。这项研究对全美 145 所农村、郊区和城市社区学院的目录进行了描述性设计,这些学院的招生人数各不相同,以确定提供了多少涉及多样性的课程,包括提供课程的部门和具体重点。调查结果显示,被归类为中小型的大学不太可能提供这些课程,位于农村和城镇的大学以及位于新英格兰、美国中部和南部的大学也是如此。
