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Theories of labour: physically scoring Brecht’s Mother Courage and Her Children with Stanislavski, viewpoints, and composition
Stanislavski Studies Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1080/20567790.2020.1806617
Matt Saltzberg 1

ABSTRACT This essay discusses my direction of Tony Kushner’s translation of Brecht’s Mother Courage and Her Children and the ways in which I transposed my understanding of Stanislavski’s Method of Physical Action and my practice of Viewpoints to work with actors to make tangible the play’s anti-capitalist philosophy: by having them score their scripts with “payment” and “profit” rather than the typical Stanislavskian terms “tactic” and “objective,” and by using Viewpoints to craft character and scenic gestus, a term Brecht used to define physical actions and stage compositions that conveyed social meaning.



摘要 本文讨论了我对托尼·库什纳 (Tony Kushner) 翻译布莱希特的《勇气之母和她的孩子》(Mother Courage and Her Children) 的指导,以及我将我对斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基 (Stanislavski) 的身体行为方法的理解和我的观点实践转化为与演员合作以使该剧的反资本主义哲学切实可行的方式:通过让他们用“支付”和“利润”而不是典型的斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基术语“战术”和“目标”来为他们的剧本评分,并通过使用观点来塑造人物和风景姿态,布莱希特用这个词来定义身体动作和舞台传达社会意义的作品。