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Style, stamina and mobile masculinities: the reinvention of Savate in the Anglosphere
Sport in History Pub Date : 2020-03-03 , DOI: 10.1080/17460263.2020.1733645
George Jennings 1 , Sara Delamont 2

ABSTRACT The roots of Savate in France stretch back at least 200 years, and there is extensive interdisciplinary research in French showing changing interpretations of its meaning and purpose. Savate is now a globalised combat sports with potential to enter the Olympic Games. To help remedy the lacuna of English-language research, this paper considers: (1) Documentaries and rare instructional literature; (2) online videos and discussions of archival Savate footage; (3) contemporary documentation from the Great Britain Savate Federation; and, (4) ongoing fieldwork in one UK Savate school. Through our multimodal study of printed, televised, digital and physical action, we add to the discussions to the constant reinvention of Savate to a modern, seemingly inclusive combat sport. Using John Urry’s framework of mobilities, we introduce the notion of ‘mobile masculinities’ underpinned by a European sense of relatively elite individualistic cosmopolitanism. Savate provides a rich case study of gender inclusivity in sport – how a previously male-dominated activity incorporates women in positions of power and responsibility and teaches men to acquire elegance in style and elite levels of stamina.



摘要 Savate 在法国的根源至少可以追溯到 200 年前,法语中有广泛的跨学科研究,表明对其含义和目的的解释不断变化。Savate现在是一项具有进入奥运会潜力的全球化格斗运动。为弥补英语研究的不足,本文认为: (1) 纪录片和稀有的教学文献;(2) 存档Savate素材的在线视频和讨论;(3) 来自大不列颠萨瓦特联合会的当代文献;(4) 在一所英国萨瓦特学校进行的实地考察。通过我们对印刷、电视、数字和物理动作的多模式研究,我们将讨论添加到将 Savate 不断改造为现代、看似包容的格斗运动的讨论中。使用 John Urry 的移动性框架,我们引入了以欧洲相对精英个人主义世界主义意识为基础的“流动男性气质”的概念。Savate 提供了一个关于体育中性别包容性的丰富案例研究——以前男性主导的活动如何将女性纳入权力和责任的位置,并教会男性获得优雅的风格和精英水平的耐力。