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SARS Issue 50(1)
South African Review of Sociology Pub Date : 2019-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/21528586.2019.1665877
Zanetta L. Jansen 1

Here is the first issue of the South African Review of Sociology for 2019, which introduces a new editorial collective: Dr Darlene Miller, Dr Zanetta Jansen and Professor Zethu Matebeni. We are also happy to offer a revised and interactive layout and design for the journal, which is clearly visible on the online version accessible to subscribers. As we move forward, societies are under constant and innovative progress, the Journal must take steps to remain both relevant in content but also in accessibility to audiences across the globe. Access to the journal continues to improve globally, with circulation on the increase in the USA and Europe in particular. The Journal’s footprint on the African continent could be strengthened. As an editorial team, with the support of the South African Sociological Association, we will endeavor to do this. Every issue is made possible by people working behind the scenes. The SARS team would like to thank Vicky Truter, the publishing systems editor for her dedicated service to the journal over the last few years and wish her all the best as she moves on in her new role in the Taylor and Francis Group. In similar vein, we also welcome Deidré Mvula, the journal’s new Productions Editor. In this issue, the lead article, by Mutero and Govender, grapples with the ways in which the University – institutions of higher learning – contributes towards collaborative community engagements to enhance social development. The authors deploy qualitative approaches to foreground challenges facing inter-collaborative partnerships. The authors propose a plan of ‘creative placemaking’ that brings together a diverse group of relevant stakeholders. The article by Anugwom also engages with society and development issues but from a sociological perspective that is both reflective and critical of the discipline (of sociology). It does this by engaging discourses about the ‘decolonisation of knowledge in South Africa’ and encounters with African ontologies and epistemologies. The article by Tewolde, on ‘Navigating Black Identity in post-apartheid South Africa’, takes a phenomenological look at how Eritrean refugees and asylum-seekers living in South Africa navigate the classification of previously racialised identities in the post-apartheid society. The results present ‘patterns of Black self-identification’ as part of a larger project that redefines what it means to be Black. Hapazari’s article raises the global social problem of unemployment but relates this to ruralLesotho as a case study. Drawing on Amartya Sen’s Capability Approach, the study proposes that a concerted effort by a collaboration of stakeholders can in fact alleviate or begin to address the high rate of unemployment amongst the more capable category of young employable persons not only in the Maseru district that the study was confined to but in the broader Lesotho society. The study is aimed at policy makers. The final article in the issue by Sipungu, addresses the experiences of gay men within the Methodist Church in South Africa in navigating their sexual identity with adherence to religious practices and beliefs. This volume 50(1) includes a book review by Ramsden-Karalse on Transgender refugees and the imagined South Africa: Bodies over borders and borders over bodies by Camminga (2019).


非典第 50 期(1)

这是 2019 年南非社会学评论的第一期,其中介绍了一个新的编辑集体:Darlene Miller 博士、Zanetta Jansen 博士和 Zethu Matebeni 教授。我们也很高兴为该期刊提供经过修订的交互式布局和设计,这在订阅者可访问的在线版本中清晰可见。随着我们的进步,社会在不断创新进步,该杂志必须采取措施保持内容的相关性和全球受众的可访问性。该期刊在全球范围内的访问量不断提高,尤其是在美国和欧洲的发行量有所增加。可以加强《华尔街日报》在非洲大陆的足迹。作为编辑团队,在南非社会学协会的支持下,我们将努力做到这一点。每一个问题都是由幕后工作的人解决的。SARS 团队要感谢出版系统编辑 Vicky Truter 在过去几年中对该杂志的热诚服务,并祝愿她在泰勒和弗朗西斯集团的新职位上一切顺利。同样,我们也欢迎该杂志的新制作编辑 Deidré Mvula。在本期中,由 Mutero 和 Govender 撰写的主要文章探讨了大学——高等院校——为促进社区合作以促进社会发展做出贡献的方式。作者采用定性方法来应对合作伙伴关系面临的前景挑战。作者提出了一个“创意场所营造”计划,将不同的相关利益相关者群体聚集在一起。Anugwom 的文章也涉及社会和发展问题,但从社会学的角度对(社会学的)学科进行反思和批判。它通过参与关于“南非知识的非殖民化”的讨论以及与非洲本体论和认识论的接触来做到这一点。Tewolde 的文章“在种族隔离后的南非导航黑人身份”,从现象学角度审视了生活在南非的厄立特里亚难民和寻求庇护者如何在后种族隔离社会中对先前种族化的身份进行分类。结果将“黑人自我认同的模式”作为重新定义黑人意味着什么的更大项目的一部分。Hapazari 的文章提出了失业的全球社会问题,但将其与莱索托农村作为案例研究联系起来。该研究借鉴 Amartya Sen 的能力方法,提出利益相关者合作的共同努力实际上可以减轻或开始解决更有能力的年轻就业人群的高失业率问题,不仅在研究发现的马塞卢地区仅限于但在更广泛的莱索托社会中。该研究针对政策制定者。Sipungu 在该期的最后一篇文章,讨论了南非卫理公会内男同性恋者在坚持宗教习俗和信仰的情况下导航他们的性身份的经历。本卷 50(1) 包括 Ramsden-Karalse 对跨性别难民和想象中的南非的书评:Camminga (2019) 所著的身体越界和身体越界。该研究表明,利益相关者的共同努力实际上可以缓解或开始解决更有能力的年轻就业人群的高失业率问题,不仅在研究仅限于马塞卢地区,而且在更广泛的地区莱索托社会。该研究针对政策制定者。Sipungu 在该期的最后一篇文章,讨论了南非卫理公会内男同性恋者在坚持宗教习俗和信仰的情况下导航他们的性身份的经历。本卷 50(1) 包括 Ramsden-Karalse 对跨性别难民和想象中的南非的书评:Camminga (2019) 所著的身体越界和身体越界。该研究表明,利益相关者的共同努力实际上可以缓解或开始解决更有能力的年轻就业人群的高失业率问题,不仅在研究仅限于马塞卢地区,而且在更广泛的地区莱索托社会。该研究针对政策制定者。Sipungu 在该期的最后一篇文章,讨论了南非卫理公会内男同性恋者在坚持宗教习俗和信仰的情况下导航他们的性身份的经历。本卷 50(1) 包括 Ramsden-Karalse 对跨性别难民和想象中的南非的书评:Camminga (2019) 所著的身体越界和身体越界。