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Transracially Adoptive Families in South Africa: Parental Experiences of Outsider reactions
South African Review of Sociology Pub Date : 2018-04-03 , DOI: 10.1080/21528586.2018.1511466
Diana Breshears 1

ABSTRACT Since the adoption of the Child Care Act of 1991, many families in South Africa have been formed through transracial adoption, particularly through the placement of black children in white-parented homes. Though this family form has increased over the past two decades, very little research has been dedicated to understanding the experiences of these families in South African society. The current study explored these families’ interactions with outsiders through in-depth interviews with 35 parents who have adopted transracially across four South African provinces. Parents received a variety of comments and questions regarding their family identity, but overwhelmingly reported positive experiences. Parents described different response strategies, dependent on circumstance and level of intrusiveness. Overall, parents were willing to endure public attention and intrusion to raise awareness of adoption and transracial relationships in South Africa. This study begins the process of examining this unique family form in a changing society.



摘要自 1991 年《儿童保育法》通过以来,南非的许多家庭都是通过跨种族收养形成的,特别是通过将黑人儿童安置在白人家庭中。尽管这种家庭形式在过去二十年中有所增加,但很少有研究致力于了解这些家庭在南非社会中的经历。目前的研究通过对 35 位在南非四个省份跨种族收养的父母进行深入访谈,探讨了这些家庭与外界的互动。父母收到了关于他们家庭身份的各种评论和问题,但绝大多数都报告了积极的经历。父母描述了不同的反应策略,这取决于环境和侵入程度。全面的,父母愿意忍受公众的关注和干扰,以提高人们对南非收养和跨种族关系的认识。这项研究开始了在不断变化的社会中检查这种独特家庭形式的过程。