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Communal land and the attitudes of the Bafokeng on benefits from mineral rights
South African Journal of International Affairs Pub Date : 2019-04-03 , DOI: 10.1080/10220461.2019.1607773
Gary Flomenhoft 1

ABSTRACT This study examines the benefits received by the Royal Bafokeng Nation of northwestern South Africa from mining on their traditional lands, and the attitudes of community members towards those benefits. Key to this discussion is the role of communal land ownership. The author surveyed 493 members of this community to determine if they were satisfied with services provided by the Royal Bafokeng Administration (RBA). The research found that, in a context of severe inequality, widespread unemployment, negative impacts from nearby mines and migrant labour, centralisation of benefits to Phokeng, and perceptions of mismanagement and corruption, there was widespread dissatisfaction among the Bafokeng. Addressing these issues, especially the lack of jobs, could mitigate current negative perceptions about services delivered by the RBA.



摘要 本研究考察了南非西北部的皇家巴福肯族从在其传统土地上采矿所获得的收益,以及社区成员对这些收益的态度。本次讨论的关键是公共土地所有权的作用。作者调查了该社区的 493 名成员,以确定他们是否对皇家八福坑管理局 (RBA) 提供的服务感到满意。研究发现,在严重不平等、普遍失业、附近矿山和外来劳工的负面影响、福利集中到 Phokeng 以及管理不善和腐败观念的背景下,Bafokeng 普遍存在不满。解决这些问题,尤其是缺乏工作,可以减轻目前对澳大利亚央行提供的服务的负面看法。