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The shadow of Pelindaba: Chagos and the African nuclear-weapon-free zone
South African Journal of International Affairs Pub Date : 2019-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/10220461.2019.1658620
Peter H Sand 1

ABSTRACT The Chagos Archipelago off the East African coast has been the subject of a territorial and humanitarian dispute ever since it was ‘excised’ from the former British colony of Mauritius and forcibly depopulated, 50 years ago, to make place for an American military base on the principal island of Diego Garcia. Starting from a historic advisory opinion issued by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on 25 February 2019 and an implementing resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 22 May 2019, this article aims at broadening the debate so as to take into account (i) the general context of relevant treaty instruments potentially affecting the Chagos and the Chagossians (primarily in the fields of human rights and environment); and (ii) the specific concerns of denuclearisation and disarmament raised by the Treaty on the African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone, in particular.



摘要 东非海岸附近的查戈斯群岛自从 50 年前从毛里求斯毛里求斯的前英国殖民地“割除”并强制人口减少以来,一直是领土和人道主义争端的主题迪戈加西亚岛的主要岛屿。从国际法院(ICJ)于 2019 年 2 月 25 日发布的历史性咨询意见和联合国大会于 2019 年 5 月 22 日通过的执行决议开始,本文旨在扩大辩论范围,以考虑到( i) 可能影响查戈斯人和查戈斯人的相关条约文书的一般背景(主要是在人权和环境领域);