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Wearing a happy mask: mother’s expressions of suicidality with postpartum depression
Social Work in Mental Health Pub Date : 2020-06-19 , DOI: 10.1080/15332985.2020.1769003
Regina Praetorius 1 , December Maxwell 1 , Komal Alam 2

ABSTRACT Anywhere between 7% to 63% of mothers will experience postpartum depression (PPD) globally. Currently, the leading cause of maternal death after the birth of a child is suicide; the psychache or intolerable psychological pain that precedes suicide may have been exacerbated by PPD. Despite research quantitatively evaluating risk factors of suicidality for those experiencing PPD, less is known about the lived experiences of mothers who experience thoughts of self-harm in the postpartum period. This study utilized Qualitative Interpretive Meta-Synthesis (QIMS), to investigate the question “What are the lived experiences of mothers with postpartum depression who experience suicidality?” The purpose of this study was to synthesize the lived experiences specific to suicidal ideation in the postpartum period to highlight shared experiences to influence future research, PPD screening approaches, and clinical interventions. Results included six themes: 1. I wear a happy mask, 2. Motherhood is not as it seems, 3. Losing control, 4. Sinking ship, 5. Sleep makes it worse, and 6. Sharing stories and chores. A further theoretical reduction resulted in the alignment of the existing Interpersonal Theory of Suicide to postpartum depression-specific suicidality as a part of the results.



摘要全球有7%至63%的母亲会经历产后抑郁症(PPD)。当前,婴儿出生后孕产妇死亡的主要原因是自杀。PPD可能加剧了自杀前的心理疼痛或无法忍受的心理疼痛。尽管有研究定量评估了患有PPD的人自杀的危险因素,但对产后时期经历过自我伤害思想的母亲的生活经验知之甚少。这项研究利用了定性解释性元合成(QIMS),调查“有自杀倾向的产后抑郁症母亲的生活经历是什么?”这个问题 这项研究的目的是综合产后时期自杀意念的具体经验,以突出分享经验,以影响未来的研究,PPD筛查方法和临床干预措施。结果包括六个主题:1.我戴上快乐的面具,2.看起来不像母亲,3.失去控制,4.下沉船,5.睡眠变得更糟,以及6.分享故事和琐事。结果的一部分是,理论上的进一步减少导致现有的人际自杀理论与产后抑郁症的自杀倾向保持一致。母性似乎不是,3.失去控制,4.下沉船,5.睡眠使情况更糟,和6.共享故事和琐事。结果的一部分是,理论上的进一步减少导致现有的人际自杀理论与产后抑郁症的自杀倾向保持一致。母性似乎不是,3.失去控制,4.下沉船,5.睡眠使情况更糟,和6.共享故事和琐事。结果的一部分是,理论上的进一步减少导致现有的人际自杀理论与产后抑郁症的自杀倾向保持一致。