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The counter-insurgent paradox. How the FARC-EP successfully subverted counter-insurgent institutions in Colombia
Small Wars & Insurgencies Pub Date : 2020-07-22 , DOI: 10.1080/09592318.2020.1797345
José Antonio Gutiérrez 1, 2

ABSTRACT Institutions are historical products shaped by power and contestation which don’t necessarily respond to the purpose for which they were originally created. I will explore how ‘communal action’ institutions created to contain the advancement of the insurgent movement in rural Colombia in the 1950s were eventually used by guerrillas, notably the FARC-EP. Through them, rebels advanced their political agenda, reinforcing their organisational work in rural communities. The strategic impact of this contradictory process, cannot be over-stated, for it turned the struggle of rebels against the State into a struggle fought squarely within the very structures of the State they antagonised.


反叛乱悖论。FARC-EP 如何成功颠覆哥伦比亚的反叛乱机构

摘要 制度是由权力和竞争塑造的历史产物,不一定响应它们最初创建的目的。我将探讨 1950 年代为遏制哥伦比亚农村叛乱运动的发展而创建的“社区行动”机构最终如何被游击队使用,尤其是哥伦比亚革命武装力量-EP。通过他们,反叛者推进了他们的政治议程,加强了他们在农村社区的组织工作。这个矛盾过程的战略影响怎么强调都不为过,因为它将反叛者反抗国家的斗争变成了在他们所对抗的国家结构内进行的斗争。