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Insurgency in Germany: the slaughter of Varus in the Teutoburger Wald
Small Wars & Insurgencies Pub Date : 2020-06-24 , DOI: 10.1080/09592318.2020.1764714
Rose Mary Sheldon 1

ABSTRACT The uprising led by Arminius in 9 CE, otherwise known as the clades Variana, resulted in the destruction of three crack Roman legions in the Teutoburg Forest and changed Roman foreign policy beyond the Rhine. The event demonstrates the maximum res Arminult an insurgency can accomplish with few resources. Even in an age of limited communications, without explosives or modern weapons, an insurgent group could still have a dramatic effect on a world power. Now that archaeologists have excavated the actual battle site, we are in a position to see how Arminius executed one of the most successful insurgencies in the ancient world.



摘要 公元 9 年由阿米尼乌斯领导的起义,也称为瓦里阿纳分支,导致条顿堡森林中三个精锐的罗马军团被摧毁,并改变了莱茵河以外的罗马外交政策。该事件展示了叛乱可以用很少的资源实现的最大资源 Arminult。即使在通讯受限、没有炸药或现代武器的时代,叛乱组织仍然可以对世界强国产生巨大影响。现在考古学家已经挖掘出实际的战斗地点,我们可以看到阿米尼乌斯如何执行古代世界最成功的叛乱之一。