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Singing the King’s Death: Voice and Sound in 1715
Early Modern French Studies Pub Date : 2019-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/20563035.2019.1612566
Nicholas Hammond 1

The central thesis of this article is that Louis XIV’s reign, which has tended to be considered from an exclusively visual perspective, warrants re-evaluation from a sonic angle. Voice and sound assume a particular intensity at the time of the king’s final illness and after his death in 1715: not only do those closest to Louis, including Mme de Maintenon and his two servants, the Antoine brothers, take care to record the monarch’s final words and the sound of his voice, but the voices of others commemorate and question the legacy of a king who in his later years presided over military defeats, crippling taxes and widespread hardship. The words of preachers, such as Quiqueran de Beaujeu and Massillon, take inspiration from criticism of the monarch on the street, just as the thriving song culture around the Pont-Neuf gives a socially diverse populace the opportunity to hear about the king’s funeral and to express different responses to their king’s demise. Web-links to performances of the songs on http://parisiansoundscapes.org give readers the chance to listen to the sound of songs which until now have only been considered for their textual content.



本文的中心论点是,路易十四的统治时期(通常倾向于从纯粹的视觉角度来考虑),需要从声音的角度进行重新评估。在国王去世之时和国王于1715年去世后,声音和声音会呈现出特别的强度:不仅最接近路易斯的人,包括Maintenon夫人和他的两个仆人Antoine兄弟,都小心地记录了君主的结局。言语和声音,但其他人的声音则纪念并质疑国王的遗产,国王在他的后期主持军事失败,残酷的税收和广泛的苦难。传教士的话(例如Quiqueran de Beaujeu和Massillon)从对大街上君主的批评中得到启发,就像蓬特诺夫(Pont-Neuf)周围蓬勃发展的歌曲文化一样,社会上各不相同的民众也有机会了解国王的葬礼,并对国王的去世表达不同的回应。通过Web链接可访问http://parisiansoundscapes.org上的歌曲表演,使读者有机会聆听歌曲的声音,直到现在为止,这些声音仅被视为文字内容。