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Voice and Presence in L’Ève future and Le Surmâle
Dix-Neuf Pub Date : 2018-04-03 , DOI: 10.1080/14787318.2018.1477293
Madeleine Chalmers 1

ABSTRACT Within the western philosophical tradition, the human voice has long been intimately connected with the idea of presence. By dissociating the voice from its speaker’s body, Thomas Edison’s phonograph posed a philosophical challenge to this view at a time of rising secularism in France. This essay argues that in Villiers de l’Isle-Adam’s L’Ève future and Alfred Jarry’s Le Surmâle, phonographs allow the authors to examine the relationship between voice and presence in ways that operate within a historical context and speak to contemporary debates. Where Villiers sets subjectivism against a lingering faith in presence, Jarry dissolves traditional notions of the human subject. This essay suggests that the questions of consciousness, technology, religion, the body, and love which coalesce around the phonograph and mechanical ‘love machines’ in these two novels continue to resonate today: in debates surrounding the ethics of artificial intelligence, critical discussions within the humanities, and in mainstream media.



摘要在西方哲学传统中,人类的声音早已与存在的观念紧密地联系在一起。在法国世俗主义兴起之际,托马斯·爱迪生的留声机通过将声音从讲话者的身体中分离出来,对这一观点提出了哲学挑战。本文认为,在维利耶·德·伊斯勒·亚当的《 L'Ève未来》和阿尔弗雷德·杰里的《勒苏马勒》中,留声机允许作者以在历史背景下运作的方式研究声音与存在之间的关系,并与当代辩论进行对话。在维利尔斯(Villiers)设置主观主义以反对在场挥之不去的信念的时候,贾里(Jarry)解除了人类主题的传统观念。本文提出了意识,技术,宗教,身体,