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Diaspora nationalism in Montreal Jewish day schools
Diaspora Studies Pub Date : 2017-06-05 , DOI: 10.1080/09739572.2017.1331611
Anne Read 1

ABSTRACT Despite the increasing recognition of the impact of Jewish education on communal Jewish diaspora identity, studies rarely explore how increased enrolment, and collective attachment to the State of Israel in Jewish day schools is influenced by location. Drawing on recent concepts in sociology and diaspora studies, this article examines the specific pedagogical practices initiated by the Bronfman Jewish Education Council, and Montreal Jewish educators, to link students living in the diaspora to the State of Israel, and signals the importance of creating mechanism that teach attachment to the territory of Israel. It includes interviews with ex-pat Israelis employed to foster a strong diaspora national identity in Montreal Jewish day school students, and reveals the challenge of attempting to overcome inherent geographical and cultural barriers.



摘要 尽管越来越多的人认识到犹太教育对社区犹太侨民身份的影响,但研究很少探讨犹太走读学校增加的入学率和对以色列国的集体依恋如何受到地点的影响。本文借鉴社会学和侨民研究中的最新概念,考察了布朗夫曼犹太教育委员会和蒙特利尔犹太教育工作者发起的具体教学实践,将侨民学生与以色列国联系起来,并表明建立机制的重要性教导对以色列领土的依恋。它包括对受雇在蒙特利尔犹太走读学校学生中培养强大的侨民民族认同感的前以色列人的采访,