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Political satire and its disruptive potential: irony and cynicism in Russia and the US
Culture, Theory and Critique Pub Date : 2018-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/14735784.2018.1496843
Maria Brock 1

ABSTRACT When cynical distance and ironic posturing have become the prevalent means of relating to public life, political humour is no longer considered subversive. It has been argued that both in Russia and the United States, ideology has co-opted satire, meaning that citizens can consume outrage passively through various satirical media products, thereby displacing outrage and abstaining from more active forms of resistance. This articles explores the twenty-first century potential of irony and cynicism to disrupt and subvert through parody, be it in the form of political satire or ironic protest, examining how similar paradigms are expressed across different geographical contexts.



摘要 当愤世嫉俗的距离和讽刺的姿态成为与公共生活相关的普遍手段时,政治幽默不再被认为是颠覆性的。有人认为,在俄罗斯和美国,意识形态都选择了讽刺,这意味着公民可以通过各种讽刺媒体产品被动地消费愤怒,从而取代愤怒并避免更积极的抵抗形式。这篇文章探讨了 21 世纪讽刺和愤世嫉俗通过模仿来破坏和颠覆的潜力,无论是政治讽刺还是讽刺抗议的形式,研究如何在不同的地理环境中表达相似的范式。