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Guru Nanak: 550th birth anniversary of Sikhism’s founder
Sikh Formations Pub Date : 2019-10-02 , DOI: 10.1080/17448727.2019.1685641
Janet Baker

Thanks to the generosity and vision of a family in our region, Phoenix Art Museum now has a gallery space devoted to Sikh art, in which our Sikh community as well as the general public can learn about the heritage of this faith. In 2017, Dr Parvinder Singh Khanuja, a medical oncologist who arrived here in 1993 and began collection Sikh art. As an act of seva he decided to create a dedicated space that would show Sikh art objects on a longterm basis. This space is now the second dedicated Sikh Gallery in an American museum. Our grounds are located about a half-mile from the beautiful new building of the Guru Nanak Dwara in central Phoenix. Since April 2017, when the Sikh Art Gallery was dedicated in honor of Dr andMrs Khanuja’s parents, there have been three exhibitions curated: Virtue & Valor: Sikh Art & Heritage, Warriors of World War I, and Saintly Soldiers of the Sikh Faith. Drawn from The Khanuja Family Collection and other loans, they have presented both historical and contemporary works of art including paintings, photography, weaponry, jewelry, metalwork, textiles and manuscripts At the very foundation of Sikhism is the recognition that God is One; an eternal and allpervasive unity; which was a radical concept in medieval Indian society. The second tenet is that all Creation is equal, without distinction by caste, creed, gender or station in life. In the words of its founder Guru Nanak, ‘I see no stranger.’ The First Guru, Guru Nanak (1469–1539), was a learned man, a philosopher and poet, yet his message was clear and plain and meant for everyone. The Divine is found through humility, service and an affirmation of beauty and joy in everyday life. The Sikh path to the Divine is dwelling upon his name in communal hymns, searching for truth within ourselves, earning an honest living, sharing with those in need, and caring for one’s family. Janam Sakhi refers to literature related exclusively to the life and teachings of Guru Nanak. According to scholarly research on Janam Sakhi, they are neither hagiographies nor biographies. However, careful appraisal of them reveals that the compilers of these texts strove to lend authenticity and historical credibility to the anecdotes by inserting quotations from the hymns of Guru Nanak and his successors as enshrined in the Sikh scriptures or Guru Granth Sahib. Many of these attest to his wise words and poetic nature as well as miraculous happenings and visions. During his lifetime, Guru Nanak traveled an estimated 20,000 miles on 4 trips to many parts of Asia and the Middle East. His experiences influenced the formation of his religious principles.


纳纳克宗师(Guru Nanak):锡克教创始人诞辰550周年

由于我们地区一家人的慷慨和抱负,菲尼克斯美术馆现在拥有一个致力于锡克教艺术的画廊空间,在这里,我们的锡克教徒社区以及广大市民都可以了解这一信仰的传统。2017年,医学肿瘤学家Parvinder Singh Khanuja博士于1993年来到这里,开始收集锡克教徒的艺术品。作为一项重大举措,他决定创建一个专门的空间,长期展示锡克教徒的艺术品。现在,这个空间是美国博物馆中第二个专门的锡克教徒画廊。我们的场地距离凤凰城中心美丽的Guru Nanak Dwara新建筑约半英里。自2017年4月以来,锡克教徒艺术馆为纪念卡努贾博士和夫人的父母而专门成立时,举办了三场展览:美德与英勇:锡克教徒艺术与传承,第一次世界大战的勇士,和锡克教信仰的圣战士。他们从Khanuja家庭收藏和其他贷款中提取了历史和当代艺术品,包括绘画,摄影,武器,珠宝,金属制品,纺织品和手稿。锡克教的根基是认识到上帝是独一的。永恒而普遍的团结;这是中世纪印度社会的一个激进概念。第二个原则是,所有创造都是平等的,没有种姓,信条,性别或生活地位的区别。用其创始人古鲁·纳纳克(Guru Nanak)的话说,“我没有陌生人。” 第一届古鲁纳纳克(Guru Nanak)(1469年至1539年)是一位博学多才的人,是一位哲学家和诗人,但他的信息清晰而明确,适合所有人。神的发现是通过谦卑,服务和对美丽与快乐的肯定。锡克教徒通往神的道路是在公共赞美诗中寓居于他的名字,在我们自己中寻找真理,谋求诚实的生活,与有需要的人分享,并照顾自己的家庭。贾纳姆·萨基(Janam Sakhi)指的是专门与纳鲁(Guru Nanak)的生活和教义有关的文学。根据Janam Sakhi的学术研究,它们既不是传记,也不是传记。然而,对它们的仔细评估表明,这些文本的编纂者力求通过插入古鲁·纳纳克(Guru Nanak)和他的继任者赞美诗中引用的锡克教经典或古鲁·格兰思·萨希布(Guru Granth Sahib)赞美诗,为这些轶事提供真实性和历史可信度。其中许多证明了他的睿智的言语和诗意的本性,以及奇迹般的事件和异象。纳纳克(Guru Nanak)先生一生旅行大约20次,前往亚洲和中东许多地区的4次旅行中,共计000英里。他的经历影响了他的宗教原则的形成。