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Time is Always NOW: Animist Materialism in Keorapetse Kgositsile's Temporal Order
Scrutiny2 Pub Date : 2017-05-04 , DOI: 10.1080/18125441.2017.1344873
Uhuru Portia Phalafala 1

ABSTRACT This paper explores Keorapetse Kgositsile's re-ordering of time through his coined concepts of “NOW,” “future memory,” and the “coil of time” in his poetry. In his reckoning, colonial modernity's time imposed a temporal order that is not congruent with his African worldview and understanding of time and space. Further, being of South African descent and living in the diaspora meant occupying two realities concurrently. Being informed by southern Africa's indigenous oral archive and knowledge system in a different milieu necessitated a creative re-invention of those concepts in his poetic. I draw from theories of animism and the animist unconscious to show how Kgositsile deconstructs modernity's linear time, with its attendant Cartesian divide between “I and the world,” and show how he absorbs this divide within mythical and magical matrices to re-enchant modernity's temporality and elevate his worldview. As such, this paper shows how the relationships between modernity and tradition, memory and desire, past and future, home and exile, and Africa and its diaspora are powerfully synthesised in a manner that necessitates imperative recalibrations of temporality as we understand it within the context of colonial modernity.


时间总是现在:Keorapetse Kgositsile 时间秩序中的万物有灵唯物主义

摘要 本文通过他在诗歌中创造的“现在”、“未来记忆”和“时间卷曲”的概念,探讨了科奥拉佩茨·克戈西西莱对时间的重新排序。在他看来,殖民现代性的时代强加了一种与他的非洲世界观和对时间和空间的理解不一致的时间秩序。此外,南非血统和散居海外意味着同时占据两个现实。在不同环境中了解南部非洲土著口述档案和知识系统,因此需要在他的诗歌中创造性地重新发明这些概念。我从万物有灵论和万物有灵论者的无意识理论中汲取灵感,以展示 Kgositsile 如何解构现代性的线性时间,以及随之而来的笛卡尔式的“我与世界,”并展示他如何在神话和魔法矩阵中吸收这种分歧,以重新赋予现代性的时间性并提升他的世界观。因此,本文展示了现代性与传统、记忆与欲望、过去与未来、家园与流亡以及非洲及其侨民之间的关系如何以一种需要对我们在上下文中理解的时间性进行必要重新校准的方式进行强有力的综合。殖民现代性。