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Мужик как мужик: Об одной сравнительно-тавтологической конструкции в русском языке
Scando-Slavica Pub Date : 2019-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00806765.2019.1586579
Паола Котта Рамузино 1

ABSTRACT Tautological phraseological constructions have received attention in Russian linguistic studies since Švedova’s work in 1960. The object of the present paper is the following construction, chosen from a large set of tautological phraseologisms: Mužik kak mužik. – Kuda že ty èto propadaeš’, prokuror? (‘A man like a man. “Where are you going to go, prosecutor?”’). Basing myself on evidence from an analysis carried out on a large corpus of data from the Russian National Corpus and Sketch Engine, subcorpus ruTenTen11, I aim to show the constructional nature of this kind of phraseological expressions. Resembling a comparative simile–indeed, a prototypical simile “X is Z,” which profiles restricted mapping between the two domains involved (Croft and Cruse 2004, 213), this structure seems to inherit the characteristics of a comparative construction, at the same time modifying it by comparing two identical referents. As a result, I believe that this construction constitutes rather its own group, or family, of constructions linked to different degrees to the comparative construction and displaying in its various instances a whole range of realisations: from the phrasemic construction (endowed with a specific semantic and pragmatic meaning) to wholly frozen, fully idiomatic phrases as in net kak net (‘no as/like no’).


Мужик как мужик: Об одной сравнительно-тавтологической конструкции в русском языке

摘要 自 Švedova 于 1960 年的工作以来,重言式短语结构在俄罗斯语言学研究中受到关注。本文的对象是以下结构,选自大量的重言式短语:Mužik kak mužik。– Kuda že ty èto propadaeš', prokuror?('像男人一样的男人。“检察官,你要去哪里?”)。基于对来自俄罗斯国家语料库和草图引擎子语料库 ruTenTen11 的大量数据进行分析的证据,我旨在展示这种短语表达的结构性质。类似于比较明喻——实际上,一个典型的明喻“X 是 Z”,它描述了所涉及的两个域之间的限制映射 (Croft and Cruse 2004, 213),这种结构似乎继承了比较结构的特征,同时通过比较两个相同的所指对象来修改它。因此,我相信这个结构构成了它自己的结构组或家庭,这些结构在不同程度上与比较结构相关联,并在其各种实例中展示了整个范围的实现:从短语结构(赋予特定语义和语用意义)到完全冻结的,完全惯用的短语,如 net kak net('no as/like no')。