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From Coal to Wind
Scandinavian Journal of History Pub Date : 2019-03-28 , DOI: 10.1080/03468755.2019.1595129
Mogens Rüdiger 1

In March 1987, the Brundtland Report –Our Common Future – was published by the UN’s World Commission on Environment and Development. The recommendations of the report contributed worldwide to raising awareness of climate change. In particular, the energy sector became the object of anxiety, as production and the use of energy were pinpointed as some of the ‘crooks’ emitting most greenhouse gasses. Shortly after the publication of the report, the Danish government revised its energy planning and opened up for a radical change of the energy sector. This article delves into this crucial change and, in doing so, suggests a historical answer to the question of why Denmark became one of the leading nations in transforming the energy sector from a power supply based on fossil fuels to a power generation system using a high percentage of renewables.



1987 年 3 月,联合国世界环境与发展委员会发表了布伦特兰报告——我们共同的未来。该报告的建议有助于全世界提高对气候变化的认识。特别是能源部门成为焦虑的对象,因为能源的生产和使用被确定为排放最多温室气体的“骗子”。报告发布后不久,丹麦政府修改了其能源规划,并为能源部门的彻底变革敞开了大门。本文深入探讨了这一关键变化,并在此过程中对丹麦为何成为将能源部门从基于化石燃料的电力供应转变为使用高电压的发电系统的领先国家之一的问题提出了历史性的答案。可再生能源的百分比。