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Intercepting Disgrace: Lacuna and “Letter to John Coetzee”
Safundi Pub Date : 2020-03-12 , DOI: 10.1080/17533171.2020.1728956
Lucy Valerie Graham 1

ABSTRACT This review article examines two palimpsest rewritings of J. M.Coetzee’s canonical but controversial novel, Disgrace (1999). Both rewritings are by women: Lacuna, a novel published in 2019, is by a white South African woman, Fiona Snyckers, and “Letter to John Coetzee” takes the form of a short story by Michelle Cahill, a woman of color living in Australia, published in Cahill’s collection Letter to Pessoa (2016). The article uses Cahill’s coinage of “interceptionality” to discuss how dominant narratives may be disrupted and subverted, particularly when it comes to representing gender-based violence in the arts. It concludes with a discussion of South African artist Gabrielle Goliath’s exhibition, “This song is for … ” (2019).



摘要这篇评论文章探讨了JMCoetzee的经典但有争议的小说《 Disgrace(1999)》中最轻描淡写的两次改写。两次改写都是女性的:2019年出版的小说《拉库纳》是由南非的白人白人女性菲奥娜·斯奈克斯(Fiona Snyckers)创作的,而《致约翰·库兹的信》则采用了居住在澳大利亚的有色女性米歇尔·卡希尔(Michelle Cahill)的短篇小说形式。 ,发表在卡希尔(Cahill)的《致佩索阿的信》(Letter to Pessoa)(2016)中。本文使用卡希尔(Cahill)的“拦截性”造词,讨论了如何颠覆和颠覆主流叙事,尤其是在艺术中代表基于性别的暴力时。最后,讨论了南非艺术家加布里埃尔·歌利亚(Gabrielle Goliath)的展览“这首歌是为了……”(2019年)。