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A Mandelstam Jubilee
Russian Studies in Literature Pub Date : 2017-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/10611975.2017.1373541
Sibelan Forrester

The Russian fondness for celebrating authorial anniversaries is especially valuable when a favorite writer reaches a round number: you know there will be a flurry of articles, conferences, and related events in celebration. The 100th anniversary of Osip Mandelstam’s birth came in 1991, and there were certainly important events in connection with it; however, much of his work had only recently become available and entered scholarly discourse in the Soviet Union. By 2016 (the 125th anniversary), the time was ripe: scholars in Russia have had many years to read the suppressed poetry and to become acquainted with details of Mandelstam’s biography, from his wife’s memoirs and other sources, which help to clarify some tricky passages in his poetry. The selection of articles in this special issue devoted to Mandelstam gives a glimpse of the richness of the response to the anniversary, all the more useful since this poet is difficult to read. In the epilogue to her “Requiem,” Anna Akhmatova referred to the “triple bottom” of her jewelry box, with each layer hiding something precious from a cursory search above; writing meant to frustrate censorship is likely to reward repeated reading and scholarly excavation. Dr. Irina Surat’s article “The Language of Space Compressed Down to a Point” examines Mandelstam’s poetry written during the period of exile in Voronezh from the point of view of geography, references to other places, and deployment of space in asserting the poet’s liberty from the local spaces even as he makes connections with some of them. The Voronezh poems are some of Mandelstam’s most complex, and Surat both uncovers underlying references and explores Mandelstam’s Russian Studies in Literature, vol. 53, no. 1, 2017, pp. 1–3. © 2017 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC ISSN: 1061-1975 (print)/ISSN 1944-7167 (online) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/10611975.2017.1373541



当最喜欢的作家达到整数时,俄罗斯人对庆祝周年纪念的热爱就特别有价值:您会知道庆祝活动中会出现许多文章,会议和相关事件。奥西普·曼德斯坦(Osip Mandelstam)诞辰100周年是1991年,与此有关的当然是重要的事件。但是,他的许多作品直到最近才出现,并进入了苏联的学术讨论。到2016年(125周年纪念日),时机已经成熟:俄罗斯学者已经有很多年的时间阅读被压抑的诗歌,并从他的妻子的回忆录和其他资料中了解曼德尔斯坦传记的细节,这有助于弄清一些棘手的段落。在他的诗歌中。本期特刊中有关曼德斯坦的文章精选使人一窥周年纪念活动的丰富内容,由于这位诗人难以阅读,因此更加有用。安娜·阿赫玛托娃(Anna Akhmatova)在她的“安魂曲”的结尾中提到了珠宝盒的“三重底”,每一层都隐藏了上面粗略搜索中的一些珍贵物品。旨在挫败审查制度的写作可能会奖励重复阅读和学术发掘。伊琳娜·苏拉特(Irina Surat)博士的文章“空间语言被压缩到一个点”,从地理学角度,其他地方的参考以及主张诗人自由的空间布局等方面考察了沃罗涅日流亡期间曼德尔斯坦的诗歌。即使他与其中一些人建立了联系,当地的空间也是如此。沃罗涅日的诗是曼德斯坦最复杂的诗,苏拉特既揭示了内在的参考,也探索了曼德斯坦的《俄罗斯文学研究》,第二卷。53号 2017年1月,第1-3页。©2017 Taylor&Francis Group,LLC ISSN:1061-1975(印刷)/ ISSN 1944-7167(在线)DOI:https://doi.org/10.1080/10611975.2017.1373541