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Stronger Than Uranus
Russian Studies in Literature Pub Date : 2018-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/10611975.2018.1507395
Aleksandr Skidan

This article considers the phenomenon of use of masculine grammatical foms in the speaking subjects of several important women poets of the 1990s and 2000s, applying western feminist and literary theory and sometimes drawing parallels with classics of Russian poetry. Poets cited include Anna Gorenko, Evgeniia Lavut, Mariia Stepanova, Marianna Geide, Aleksandra Petrova, Elena Fanailova, Anna Glazova, and Natal’ia Kurchatova, The author concludes that women may have become the leaders among contemporary Russian poetry precisely because they were excluded from the symbolic (Soviet) order, even if they still need to “mask” themselves in protective masculine language.



本文考虑了1990年代和2000年代几位重要女诗人的口语主题中使用男性语法错误的现象,运用了西方女权主义和文学理论,有时将其与俄罗斯诗歌经典相提并论。引用的诗人包括安娜·戈连科(Anna Gorenko),叶夫根尼娅·拉维特(Evgeniia Lavut),玛丽亚·斯特凡诺娃(Mariaia Stepanova),玛丽安娜·盖德(Marianna Geide),亚历山大·彼得罗娃(Aleksandra Petrova),埃琳娜·法纳洛娃(Elena Fanailova),安娜·格拉佐娃(Anna Glazova)和娜塔莉亚·库恰托娃(Natal'ia Kurchatova)。象征(苏联)秩序,即使他们仍然需要用保护性的男性语言“掩盖”自己。