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Narcissism and entrepreneurship: Evidence from six datasets
Journal of Business Venturing Insights Pub Date : 2020-12-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jbvi.2020.e00216
Yik Kiu Leung , Ingmar Franken , Roy Thurik , Martijn Driessen , Katsuyuki Kamei , Olivier Torrès , Ingrid Verheul

Widespread attention is being paid to the alleged rise of narcissism in people in general and business leaders in particular. Surprisingly, hardly any studies have focused on the link between narcissism and entrepreneurship. Using self-reported data from 4798 respondents from three countries, we explore the associations between trait narcissism and six different entrepreneurial aspects that represent the entire entrepreneurial process. Overall, our findings suggest that a positive link exists between narcissism and entrepreneurship that is particularly salient in the early stage of the entrepreneurial process (e.g., entrepreneurial intention) and in the individual aspects of entrepreneurship (e.g., entrepreneurial orientation, well-being of the entrepreneur). Our additional analyses reveal that the adaptive aspect of narcissism (i.e., leadership/authority) is most consistently linked to entrepreneurship and that the links between narcissism and entrepreneurship are predominately linear. Finally, our findings are largely robust when different sets of controls are added.



人们普遍对自恋在人们,特别是企业领导人中自恋的兴起引起了广泛关注。令人惊讶的是,几乎没有任何研究集中在自恋与企业家精神之间的联系上。使用来自三个国家的4798名受访者的自我报告数据,我们探索了特质自恋与代表整个创业过程的六个不同创业方面之间的关联。总体而言,我们的研究结果表明,自恋与创业之间存在着积极的联系,这种联系在创业过程的早期阶段(例如,创业意向)和创业的各个方面(例如,创业方向,幸福感)尤为突出。企业家)。我们的其他分析表明,自恋的适应性方面(即 领导力/权威)与企业家精神联系最紧密,自恋与企业家精神之间的联系主要是线性的。最后,当添加不同的控件集时,我们的发现在很大程度上是可靠的。
