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Apolonio’s Pecado: Kingship and sin in the Libro de Apolonio
Romance Quarterly Pub Date : 2018-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/08831157.2018.1492847
Zachary Zuwiyya 1

Abstract The thirteenth-century Spanish poem Libro de Apolonio (LA) shares many features with other works of the cuaderna vía; among them is the frequency with which the personified figure of sin makes its appearance. One finds the word pecado in the opening scene of the LA, where the narrator says that sin, always restless, manages to stir up desire in King Antioco and makes him turn his gaze on his own daughter (6). Soon again, in reference to the same incestuous king, the narrator writes that “metiólo en locura la muebda del pecado” (26). With two early references in the LA to sinful impulses, the narrator suggests that pecado is the root cause of Byzantine-like adventures that take Apolonio across the Mediterranean world. To further underscore its importance, the author uses the word pecado in a variety of contexts a minimum of thirty-one times. Given its near omnipresence, it is essential that one consider the nature and role of sin when interpreting the work. As a window through which to view sin, this essay focuses on the hero’s status as king. If Apolonio is referred to as pilgrim on occasion, it is no less significant that the main character is referred to as king no less than thirty-five times in the work. It could be that the author wants us to bear in mind that we are not dealing with “everyman,” but with a king. By viewing Apolonio in this light, one can proceed to examine his royal performance to assess to what degree his shortcomings might be considered pecado.



摘要 十三世纪的西班牙诗歌 Libro de Apolonio (LA) 与 cuaderna vía 的其他作品有许多共同之处;其中包括罪的人格化形象出现的频率。人们在洛杉矶的开场场景中找到了 pecado 这个词,在那里叙述者说,总是不安分的罪恶设法激起了安蒂奥科国王的欲望,使他将目光投向了自己的女儿 (6)。很快,在提到同一个乱伦的国王时,叙述者写道“metiólo en locura la muebda del pecado”(26)。在洛杉矶早期有两次提到罪恶的冲动,叙述者暗示佩卡多是拜占庭式冒险的根本原因,这些冒险将阿波罗尼奥带到了地中海世界。为了进一步强调其重要性,作者在各种语境中至少使用了 pecado 一词三十一次。鉴于它几乎无所不在,在解释这部作品时,必须考虑到罪的性质和作用。作为观察罪恶的窗口,本文重点讨论英雄作为国王的地位。如果阿波罗尼奥偶尔被称为朝圣者,那么在作品中主角被称为国王的次数不少于三十五次,这同样具有重要意义。可能作者希望我们记住,我们不是在与“每个人”打交道,而是在与一位国王打交道。通过从这个角度看待阿波罗尼奥,人们可以继续检查他的皇室表现,以评估他的缺点在多大程度上可以被视为 pecado。作为观察罪恶的窗口,本文重点讨论英雄作为国王的地位。如果阿波罗尼奥偶尔被称为朝圣者,那么在作品中主角被称为国王的次数不少于三十五次,这同样具有重要意义。可能作者希望我们记住,我们不是在与“每个人”打交道,而是在与一位国王打交道。通过从这个角度看待阿波罗尼奥,人们可以继续检查他的皇室表现,以评估他的缺点在多大程度上可以被视为 pecado。作为观察罪恶的窗口,本文重点讨论英雄作为国王的地位。如果阿波罗尼奥偶尔被称为朝圣者,那么在作品中主角被称为国王的次数不少于三十五次,这同样具有重要意义。可能作者希望我们记住,我们不是在与“每个人”打交道,而是在与国王打交道。通过从这个角度看待阿波罗尼奥,人们可以继续检查他的皇室表现,以评估他的缺点在多大程度上可以被视为 pecado。”但有一个国王。通过从这个角度看待阿波罗尼奥,人们可以继续检查他的皇室表现,以评估他的缺点在多大程度上可以被视为 pecado。”但有一个国王。通过从这个角度看待阿波罗尼奥,人们可以继续检查他的皇室表现,以评估他的缺点在多大程度上可以被视为 pecado。