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Experiences of Difference: A Phenomenological Study With Intellectually Gifted Pre-Adolescent/Early Adolescent Boys and Their Mothers
Roeper Review Pub Date : 2019-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/02783193.2019.1622164
Julie King , Rosalyn Shute , Angus McLachlan

Within a theoretical framework of cognitive dissonance, this phenomenological study explored Australian intellectually gifted pre-adolescent/early adolescents’ experiences of asynchrony. The study focuses on mothers and sons. Eleven boys aged 10 to 14 years, and nine of their mothers, participated in semi-structured interviews. Seven boys reported feelings of difference, but these were generally vague. One reported strongly upsetting feelings of difference, while several evaluated difference as positive. All mothers believed their sons had experienced strong feelings of difference, emphasizing friendship rather than academic matters, though children raised both. Despite most reporting only mild feelings of difference, boys, as well as mothers, articulated efforts to minimize these feelings. Although this sometimes caused a sense of inauthenticity, the data suggest that parents’ and boys’ own efforts to accommodate their needs had largely succeeded and left most boys well-adjusted.



在认知失调的理论框架内,这项现象学研究探索了澳大利亚智力超群的青春期前/青春期早期的不同步经历。该研究侧重于母亲和儿子。11 名 10 至 14 岁的男孩和他们的 9 名母亲参加了半结构化访谈。七个男孩报告了不同的感觉,但这些通常是模糊的。一个人报告了强烈令人不安的差异感,而一些人则将差异评价为积极的。所有的母亲都认为他们的儿子经历过强烈的差异感,强调友谊而不是学术问题,尽管孩子们把两者都抚养长大。尽管大多数人只报告了轻微的差异感,但男孩和母亲都明确表示要尽量减少这些感受。虽然这有时会引起不真实感,