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Demystifying Creativity: What Creativity Isn’t and Is?
Roeper Review Pub Date : 2019-04-03 , DOI: 10.1080/02783193.2019.1585397
Kyung Hee Kim

To understand creativity is to recognize and develop the creative potential within oneself and others. This article examines what creativity is not and then what creativity is. First, the six leading misconceptions about creativity are discussed: Creativity belongs solely to the arts; creativity is quickly recognizable; innovators always work alone; mental illness enhances creativity; creativity is a divine flash of inspiration; and newness is a prerequisite to creativity. Then, using the research-based CATs model, what creativity is and how creativity develops into innovation are discussed: (a) cultivate creative climates; (b) nurture creative attitudes; and (c) develop creative thinking skills. Creativity does not come from nature but from nurture, and developing gifted children’s creativity should be the goal of parenting and education.



理解创造力就是认识和开发自己和他人的创造潜力。这篇文章探讨了创造力不是什么以及创造力是什么。首先,讨论关于创造力的六大主要误解: 创造力只属于艺术;创造力很快就能被识别出来;创新者总是独自工作;精神疾病增强创造力;创造力是灵光一现的灵感;新颖是创造力的先决条件。然后,使用基于研究的 CATs 模型,讨论什么是创造力以及创造力如何发展为创新:(a) 培养创新氛围;(b) 培养创造性的态度;(c) 培养创造性思维技能。创造力不是天生的,而是后天培养的,培养天才儿童的创造力应该是育儿和教育的目标。