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Disidentification and Documentation: LGBTQ Records as Emergent, Entangled Rhetoric
Rhetoric Review Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: 10.1080/07350198.2020.1727101
Rick Wysocki

ABSTRACT This article engages archival and oral history research to explore the documentation practices of Gays and Lesbians United for Equality (GLUE), a lesbian and gay organization active in Louisville during the 1980s and 1990s, and their effects on the production of an LGBTQ archive by local activist David Williams. I demonstrate one way of considering the rhetoricity of archives by attending to the situated rhetorical production of materials that comprise them, exploring the relationships between GLUE’s motivated production of organizational documents and the material made available to Williams’s archive. Organizationally, GLUE could not directly engage in explicitly political activity, leading to rhetorical decisions about what to include in organizational documents. These rhetorical performances, as circulated in GLUE’s documents, reflect complicated rhetorical strategies of what Jose Estéban Muñoz calls disidentification with politics.


身份识别和文件记录:LGBTQ 记录为紧急、纠缠不清的言论

摘要 本文通过档案和口述历史研究,探讨男女同性恋平等联合会 (GLUE) 的文献实践,这是一个活跃于 1980 年代和 1990 年代路易斯维尔的男女同性恋组织,以及它们对 LGBTQ 档案制作的影响。当地活动家大卫威廉姆斯。我展示了一种考虑档案修辞性的方法,通过关注构成档案的材料的情境修辞生产,探索 GLUE 有动机的组织文件生产与提供给威廉姆斯档案的材料之间的关系。在组织上,GLUE 无法直接参与明确的政治活动,导致关于在组织文件中包含哪些内容的修辞决定。这些在 GLUE 文件中流传的修辞表演,