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‘It wasn’t the Wilt experience’ (at least for some): vocational students’ historical experiences of liberal studies
Research in Post-Compulsory Education Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/13596748.2020.1720169
Robin Simmons 1

ABSTRACT This paper focuses on the historical experiences of a set of former vocational students, all of whom undertook a course of liberal studies whilst attending an English college of further education at some point between the mid-1960s and the late-1980s. It is set against the backdrop of Tom Sharpe’s novel, Wilt, which both lampooned the antics of the beleaguered liberal studies teacher, Henry Wilt, and presented vocational students (and lecturers) as narrow-minded, unruly and inherently hostile to academic learning. The data presented here, taken from a programme of narrative research with participants, many of whom eventually went on to teach in vocational further and higher education themselves, go some way towards challenging such stereotypes. Whilst it is evident that their experiences were varied and uneven, most participants remembered liberal studies as fairly relaxed and student-centred, and the majority were positive about their experiences of liberal studies, particularly in retrospect.



摘要本文着重介绍了一批前职业学生的历史经验,他们在1960年代中期至1980年代后期之间的某个时候就读了一门通识教育课程,同时就读于一所英语进修学院。它的背景是汤姆·夏普(Tom Sharpe)的小说《威尔特》(Wilt),既讽刺了陷入困境的通识教育老师亨利·威尔特(Henry Wilt)的滑稽动作,又向职业学生(和讲师)展示了狭narrow的思想,不守规矩和天生对学术学习的敌意。此处提供的数据来自与参与者进行的叙事研究计划,其中许多人最终还是继续接受职业继续教育和高等教育,这在某种程度上挑战了这种陈规定型观念。显然,他们的经历是千差万别的,