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‘The main objection to numerous small bee keepers’: biosecurity and the professionalization of beekeeping
Journal of Historical Geography ( IF 1.031 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jhg.2019.10.015
Eleanor Andrews

Abstract In the mid nineteenth century, advances in apicultural science and new technologies made beekeeping more efficient and profitable, and it rapidly went from being a cottage industry to a commercial one. But the very technologies and practices that revolutionized beekeeping led directly and indirectly to the spread of an infectious honey bee disease called foulbrood. This was true most of all in upstate New York, which for many decades was at the center of the scientific, technological, and commercial advances, as well as the outbreaks of foulbrood. In this article, I draw on USDA publications, articles from trade magazines, personal papers, and other texts from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries to show how the institutions that arose to protect and support the industry formed an ‘envirotechnical regime’ that promoted a particular vision of ‘good beekeeping’. The regime characterized foulbrood as manageable only by beekeepers who were ‘financially interested’ or ‘more deeply engaged in the industry’. This set of beekeepers was contrasted with a second class of smaller scale beekeepers, which was framed as ‘negligent’ and discouraged from continuing to keep bees. This article shows how efforts to professionalize beekeeping were made in the name of biosecurity and contributes to scholarship more broadly on how norms and institutions developed as a part of the modernization of American agriculture.



摘要 19世纪中叶,养蜂科学和新技术的进步使养蜂更加高效和有利可图,并迅速从家庭手工业走向商业化。但是,彻底改变养蜂业的技术和实践直接或间接地导致了一种称为臭虫的传染性蜜蜂病的传播。在纽约州北部尤其如此,几十年来,这里一直是科学、技术和商业进步以及臭虫爆发的中心。在这篇文章中,我借鉴了美国农业部的出版物、贸易杂志的文章、个人论文、以及 19 世纪末和 20 世纪初的其他文本,展示了为保护和支持该行业而兴起的机构如何形成一个“环境技术制度”,从而促进了“良好养蜂”的特定愿景。该政权将臭虫描述为只有“在经济上感兴趣”或“更深入地参与该行业”的养蜂人才能管理。这组养蜂人与第二类规模较小的养蜂人形成对比,后者被认为是“疏忽大意”,不鼓励继续养蜂。本文展示了如何以生物安全的名义努力使养蜂业专业化,并有助于更广泛地研究规范和机构如何发展成为美国农业现代化的一部分。该政权将臭虫描述为只有“在经济上感兴趣”或“更深入地参与该行业”的养蜂人才能管理。这组养蜂人与第二类规模较小的养蜂人形成对比,后者被认为是“疏忽大意”,不鼓励继续养蜂。本文展示了如何以生物安全的名义努力使养蜂业专业化,并有助于更广泛地研究规范和机构如何发展成为美国农业现代化的一部分。该政权将臭虫描述为只有“在经济上感兴趣”或“更深入地参与该行业”的养蜂人才能管理。这组养蜂人与第二类规模较小的养蜂人形成对比,后者被认为是“疏忽大意”,不鼓励继续养蜂。本文展示了如何以生物安全的名义努力使养蜂业专业化,并有助于更广泛地研究规范和机构如何发展成为美国农业现代化的一部分。