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‘The Realm of Maiden Beauty’: Spectres of Slavery, Rebellion, and Creolisation in the Landscape of Cable’s Louisiana
Comparative American Studies An International Journal Pub Date : 2017-04-03 , DOI: 10.1080/14775700.2017.1406683
Nicole Louise Willson 1

Abstract Using a creative interdisciplinary method of enquiry, this article seeks to exorcise the spectres of revolutionary creolisation embedded in George Washington Cable’s 1880 novel The Grandissimes. It probes, in particular, the secreted traces of the Creole diaspora triggered by the Haitian Revolution of 1791–1804, and attempts to peel back the manifold layers of ideological occlusion embedded in the (ostensibly white, Anglo-American) narrative frame of Cable’s omniscient narrator and his protagonist Joseph Frowenfeld, which suppress the connections between inter-American identities across diverse, revolutionary, creolistic worlds in Louisiana and the Gulf South. Unlike other studies examining traces of the Haitian Revolution in The Grandissimes, which tend to focus on the parallels between fictional and historical figures in Cable’s southern romance, this article dissects the subtle allusions to the revolution and the attendant diaspora found in the plantation infrastructures and the urban landscape of Cable’s Louisiana. In so doing, it demonstrates how Saint-Domingan migrants affirmed and reinvigorated the cultural landscape of the ‘Creole’ South and ‘circumvented’ the ideological spread of ‘Americanness’ at the time of the Louisiana Purchase, and during successive moments thereafter.



摘要本文采用一种创新的跨学科研究方法,试图驱除乔治·华盛顿·凯布尔(George Washington Cable)1880年的小说《格兰迪西梅斯》(The Grandissimes)中埋藏的革命性克里奥尔族人的幽灵。它特别探究了1791–1804年海地革命引发的克里奥尔人散居地的秘密痕迹,并试图剥离嵌入在电缆无所不知的(表面上是白色的,英美美国人的)叙事框架中的意识形态遮蔽的多方面层。叙述者和他的主人公约瑟夫·弗罗文菲尔德(Joseph Frowenfeld)压制了路易斯安那州和南部海湾地区多样化,革命性,民俗主义的美洲身份之间的联系。与其他研究《大洋洲》中海地革命的痕迹的研究不同,这篇文章剖析了这场革命的微妙寓意,以及在种植园基础设施和路易斯安那州路易斯安那州的城市景观中发现的随之而来的流浪者,这些倾向往往侧重于虚构人物和历史人物在电缆的南方恋情中的相似之处。通过这样做,它展示了圣多明各移民如何肯定并重振了“克里奥尔人”南部的文化景观,并在路易斯安那购买时及其后的连续时间内“规避”了“美国性”的意识形态传播。