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Joel’s Revolutionary Table: New York and Mexico City in Turbulent Times
Comparative American Studies An International Journal Pub Date : 2017-10-02 , DOI: 10.1080/14775700.2017.1551600
Peter Hulme

ABSTRACT The network considered here consisted of a journalist and a cartoonist based in New York and a young Mexican artist, respectively Benjamin De Casseres, Carlo de Fornaro, and Marius de Zayas. They worked together in 1906 on a newspaper in Mexico City, forging a friendship based on their opposition to the corrupt and dying regime of Porfirio Díaz. Back in New York the network survived, at least in the short term, while De Casseres and de Zayas defended and supported their friend Fornaro as he was prosecuted by Díaz’s cronies with the connivance of the US state.



摘要此处考虑的网络由驻纽约的新闻记者和漫画家以及年轻的墨西哥艺术家本杰明·德卡塞雷斯,卡洛·德·福纳罗和马里乌斯·德·扎亚斯组成。他们于1906年在墨西哥城的一家报纸上共同努力,基于对波菲里奥·迪亚兹腐败和垂死政权的反对,建立了友谊。回到纽约后,网络得以幸存,至少在短期内如此,而De Casseres和de Zayas捍卫并支持了他们的朋友Fornaro,因为他受到Diaz亲信的起诉,并受到美国的纵容。