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Challenging Hobbes: Is War Inevitable?
Global Society Pub Date : 2019-10-01 , DOI: 10.1080/13600826.2019.1668363
Maija Jespersen 1

ABSTRACT Hobbes’s 17th century philosophical argument that war is inevitable, which forms the core component of Classical Realism, is still widely in use, despite the fact that Neo-Realism no longer uses Hobbesian reasoning. Hobbes’s argument fundamentally depends on his proof of human self-interest. However, an analysis of the construction of identity reveals that humans are not as atomistic as Hobbes makes them out to be, and the “self” is constructed via identification with others and groups, on whose behalf a person may act without violating self-interest. Empirical evidence from both primatology and human society also challenges the Hobbesian argument by failing to conform to Hobbes’s description of the State of Nature. Identity theories also generate insight into the functioning of large scale security systems used by the Iroquois and Australian Aborigines to maintain peace without overwhelming force, which present a further challenge to the assertion of the inevitability of war.



摘要 霍布斯 17 世纪关于战争不可避免的哲学论点是古典现实主义的核心组成部分,尽管新现实主义不再使用霍布斯推理,但它仍然被广泛使用。霍布斯的论点从根本上取决于他对人类自身利益的证明。然而,对身份建构的分析表明,人类并不像霍布斯所说的那样原子化,“自我”是通过对他人和群体的认同来建构的,一个人可以在不侵犯自身利益的情况下代表他们采取行动. 来自灵长类动物学和人类社会的经验证据也因未能符合霍布斯对自然状态的描述而挑战霍布斯的论点。