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Joseph Wright meets the Boggart
Folk Life Pub Date : 2018-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/04308778.2018.1446400
Simon Young 1

Abstract In 1898, Joseph Wright dedicated almost a thousand words to ‘boggart’, a term for a supernatural entity, used in the north-west of England, in his Dialect Dictionary. While Wright’s analysis of the word is by far the most thorough ever written, a careful survey of eighteenth- and nineteenth-centuries’ sources allows some extra senses and meanings to be teased out. We offer here a series of words and phrases that Wright covered but where the range of meanings was demonstrably wider than those that Wright suggested: e.g. ‘boggart stones’, ‘to take (the) boggart’. There are also lexical items that Wright had never heard of: e.g. ‘boggart chair’ and ‘boggart meat’. The article concludes with a brief section on boggart sayings and, finally, the question of whether the use of ‘boggart’ in dialect can help us understand boggart folklore.



摘要1898年,约瑟夫·赖特(Joseph Wright)在“方言字典”中为“ boggart”(一个超自然实体的术语)投入了将近一千个单词,该术语在英格兰西北部使用。虽然莱特对该词的分析是迄今为止写得最彻底的,但仔细研究18世纪和19世纪的来源,可以发现一些额外的意义和含义。我们在这里提供了赖特所涵盖的一系列单词和短语,但含义范围明显超出了赖特所建议的范围:例如,“ boggart石头”,“拿走boggart”。赖特还没有听说过一些词汇项目:例如“ boggart椅子”和“ boggart肉”。本文的结尾部分简要介绍了博格特语,最后是方言中使用“博格特”是否可以帮助我们了解博格特民俗的问题。