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Contemporary Architecture and Urbanism in Iran: Tradition, Modernity and the Production of “Space-in-Between”
Fabrications Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/10331867.2020.1706126
Farzaneh Haghighi 1

timeless process. This inherent contradiction, in addition to constant political conflicts, has reshaped planning practice in Lebanon. Bou Akar argues that global neoliberalism, as a hegemonic market-driven ideology, has fragmented Beirut into sectariandelineated zones in which political-religious organisations follow both their political and financial interests. The Epilogue, titled “Contested Futures”, challenges the prevalent perceptions of cities in the Global South which are embedded with dichotomies such as formal/ informal, rich/poor, prosperous-centres/disadvantage-outers. Bou Akar reveals the complexity of Beirut as a place of conflict between local and international forces, diverse religious and political ideologies, military strategies, and financial interests. Cities such as Beirut are often perceived as global cities, so the impact of the global flows of people, finance and ideologies on these cities are largely overlooked. These global flows have reinforced the pre-existing sectarian conflicts that adversely shape planning practice as a strategic tool “for the war yet to come”. I highly recommend this invaluable book to academics, researchers and postgraduate students who are interested in planning theory, planning practice in the Global South and post-conflict planning. In this book, Bou Akar successfully establishes a strong bridge between theory and practice, providing an in-depth understanding of planning practice in Beirut and investigating the subjectivity of planners in this conflictual context. Planners in Beirut are not passive technocratic actors; instead, various factors such as their religions, ethnic groups and tribes inform the self-identification of planners in this sectarian society.



永恒的过程。这种固有的矛盾,加上不断的政治冲突,重塑了黎巴嫩的规划实践。Bou Akar 认为,全球新自由主义作为一种霸权的市场驱动的意识形态,已经将贝鲁特分裂成宗派划定的区域,在这些区域中,政治宗教组织遵循其政治和经济利益。题为“有争议的未来”的结语挑战了全球南方城市普遍存在的观念,这些观念中嵌入了正式/非正式、富/贫、繁荣中心/劣势外围等二分法。Bou Akar 揭示了贝鲁特作为地方和国际力量、不同宗教和政治意识形态、军事战略和经济利益之间冲突的地方的复杂性。贝鲁特等城市通常被视为全球城市,因此,全球人口、资金和意识形态流动对这些城市的影响在很大程度上被忽视了。这些全球流动加剧了先前存在的教派冲突,这些冲突对规划实践作为“未来战争”的战略工具产生了不利影响。我向对规划理论、全球南方规划实践和冲突后规划感兴趣的学者、研究人员和研究生强烈推荐这本宝贵的书。在这本书中,Bou Akar 成功地在理论与实践之间架起了一座牢固的桥梁,深入了解了贝鲁特的规划实践,并在这种冲突的背景下调查了规划者的主观性。贝鲁特的规划者不是被动的技术专家;相反,各种因素,例如他们的宗教信仰,