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Crafting Quebec’s Seventeenth-Century Past: A Birch Bark Letter by Twentieth-Century Hospitalières
Exemplaria Pub Date : 2018-06-18 , DOI: 10.1080/10412573.2018.1464813
Robin Macdonald 1

Abstract This article examines a letter written by the Quebec City Hospitalières to the Society of Jesus in 1925. Written on birch bark, the letter stands out from other notes of congratulation received by the city’s Jesuits on the tercentenary of their arrival at Quebec. Drawing on queer theory ― in particular, Sara Ahmed’s theory of “affective economies” ― this article analyses the ways in which this letter was crafted in order to shape feelings about ― and to colonize ― the seventeenth-century past. Feelings, Ahmed argues, are not “in” objects, but are created through “circulation.” As an object for which circulation is embedded in its purpose, the Hospitalières’ letter provides a useful case study for the examination of the ways in which encounters with objects could shape feeling in twentieth-century Quebec. While the Hospitalières claimed to be able to feel the seventeenth-century past ― and sought to evoke these feelings in the letter’s recipients ― they were, in fact, crafting a feeling for it.



摘要本文考察了魁北克市医院于1925年写给耶稣会的一封信。该信写在白桦树皮上,与其他城市的耶稣会士对魁北克抵达魁北克的祝贺表示祝贺。本文借鉴酷儿理论,尤其是萨拉·艾哈迈德(Sara Ahmed)的“情感经济”理论,对本文进行了分析,旨在塑造这封信的方式,以塑造人们对17世纪的过去的感觉并进行殖民化。艾哈迈德(Ahmed)认为,感觉不是“物体”内的东西,而是通过“流通”创造的。作为在其目标中嵌入流通的对象,Hospitalères的来信提供了一个有用的案例研究,用于研究在20世纪的魁北克与对象的相遇会如何形成感觉。