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Nineteenth-Century Poetic Tributes and Elegies to Robert Bloomfield
European Romantic Review Pub Date : 2020-09-02 , DOI: 10.1080/10509585.2020.1803560
Scott McEathron 1

ABSTRACT Even as the recovery of Robert Bloomfield’s career has accelerated over the past decade, a fully-textured understanding of his contemporary influence remains surprisingly elusive. This article offers a new perspective on the scope of that influence by looking at a specific group of contemporary accounts: memorial poems, tribute poems, and elegies. While the 1824 volume The Remains of Robert Bloomfield contained fifteen such poems, all told there are at least thirty-five others that fall into these categories, though several pre-date Bloomfield's death. This essay identifies several poetic groupings: appreciations and effusions; devotional poems; pastoral elegies; and protest poems about England’s neglect of its poets. Although Bloomfield’s reputation for piety, simplicity, and moral decency is a dominant thread in this body of work, I also identify several poems in which his seemingly spotless public persona makes him usable as a kind of token to be flexibly employed in the service of a grievance or cause. The essay looks in detail at two writers who use Bloomfield in this way: the English temperance writer Jabez Inwards and the American Joseph Dennie, editor of an important early American periodical, the Port Folio, that aggressively advocated for Federalism as against Jeffersonian democracy.


对罗伯特·布卢姆菲尔德的 19 世纪诗歌致敬和挽歌

摘要 尽管罗伯特·布卢姆菲尔德 (Robert Bloomfield) 的职业生涯在过去十年中加速复苏,但对其当代影响力的全面理解仍然令人惊讶地难以捉摸。本文通过查看一组特定的当代帐户,对这种影响的范围提供了一个新的视角:纪念诗、致敬诗和挽歌。虽然 1824 年出版的《罗伯特·布卢姆菲尔德的遗骸》包含 15 首这样的诗,但所有人都说至少还有 35 首属于这些类别,尽管有几首早于布卢姆菲尔德的死。这篇文章确定了几个诗意的分组:欣赏和流露;虔诚的诗歌;田园挽歌;并抗议有关英格兰忽视其诗人的诗歌。尽管布卢姆菲尔德以虔诚、朴素和道德高尚而著称,但在这部作品中占据主导地位,我还列举了几首诗,在这些诗中,他看似一尘不染的公众形象使他可以用作一种象征,可以灵活地用于为不满或事业服务。这篇文章详细介绍了以这种方式使用布卢姆菲尔德的两位作家:英国禁酒作家 Jabez Inwards 和美国早期重要期刊 Port Folio 的编辑约瑟夫·丹尼 (Joseph Dennie),该期刊积极倡导联邦制,反对杰斐逊式民主。