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Romance and murder
European Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling Pub Date : 2019-09-09 , DOI: 10.1080/13642537.2019.1652199
Sally Parsloe 1

ABSTRACT Bettelheim’s ‘The Uses of Enchantment’ describes the way in which inner conflicts are processed by children in the symbolism and fantasy of fairy tales. In this paper, the author suggests that romance may be used as an adult form of fairy story and possess the same function, which is to allow prohibited desires and past trauma to be processed. Romance can be a fantasy in which essential images of the self are sustained and the past re-worked. Romance, therefore, demands the creation of a reflective image, draped over the other, like a costume. Collusion and complimentarity, as described by R.D. Laing, are required to maintain the fantasy. However, when the image threatens to have a life of its own, defences are activated, counter-defence ensues, and romance may become murderous. The ideas of Bettelheim, Freud, Klein and Laing are referred to, and a case study presented of the experience of a client whose romance has turned to murderousness.



摘要 Bettelheim 的“魔法的使用”描述了儿童在童话故事的象征和幻想中处理内心冲突的方式。在本文中,作者建议浪漫可以作为童话故事的成人形式,并具有相同的功能,即允许被禁止的欲望和过去的创伤得到处理。浪漫可以是一种幻想,在这种幻想中,自我的基本形象得以维持,过去被重新塑造。因此,浪漫需要创造一个反射图像,像服装一样覆盖在另一个图像上。正如 RD Laing 所描述的,共谋和互补是维持幻想所必需的。然而,当形象威胁到自己的生命时,防御就会被激活,反防御随之而来,浪漫可能会变得凶残。贝特尔海姆、弗洛伊德的思想,