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Facing the absurd: On Lev Shestov’s angel of death
European Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling Pub Date : 2019-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/13642537.2018.1563907
Marina G. Ogden 1

ABSTRACT 2018 marks one hundred and fifty two years since the birth of the Russian religious existential thinker Lev Shestov (1866–1938), whose name is counted amongst the most influential European philosophers of the 20th century. A paradoxical and provocative writer, Lev Shestov searched for ways to diminish the burden of psychological and existential suffering in the life of the individual. His parable about receiving ‘the mysterious gift’ of ‘a new pair of eyes’ from the Angel of Death engaged the existential problems of facing uncertainty, the unknown and death with the possibility of a creative transformation, which could allow an individual to see things outside the law of reason and ‘preconceived self-evident truths.’ Drawing on Shestov’s analysis of Dostoevsky, Nietzsche and Kierkegaard, as well as Camus and Lovtsky’s observations, I argue that Shestov’s interest in the human psyche manifested in his writing, in which he often strove to ‘psychoanalyse’ his characters, found common ground with the psychoanalytical approach. However, unlike Freud’s psychoanalysis, which was grounded in reason and analytical systematisation, Shestov’s philosophy aspired to find a cure to enable an individual to withstand the pressure of the absurd reality of human existence by breaking free from the constraints of rational thought.



摘要 2018 年是俄罗斯宗教存在主义思想家列夫·舍斯托夫(Lev Shestov,1866-1938 年)诞生 152 周年,他的名字被认为是 20 世纪最具影响力的欧洲哲学家之一。作为一个自相矛盾和挑衅的作家,列夫·舍斯托夫 (Lev Shestov) 一直在寻找减轻个人生活中心理和生存痛苦负担的方法。他关于从死亡天使那里获得“一双新眼睛”的“神秘礼物”的寓言涉及面临不确定性、未知和死亡的存在问题,并具有创造性转变的可能性,这可以让个人看到事物在理性法则和“先入为主的不言而喻的真理”之外。借鉴舍斯托夫对陀思妥耶夫斯基、尼采和克尔凯郭尔的分析,以及加缪和洛夫茨基的观察,我认为舍斯托夫对人类心理的兴趣体现在他的写作中,他经常努力对他的人物进行“心理分析”,找到了与精神分析方法的共同点。然而,与以理性和分析系统化为基础的弗洛伊德精神分析不同,舍斯托夫的哲学渴望找到一种治愈方法,使个人能够摆脱理性思维的束缚,承受人类存在的荒谬现实的压力。