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Risk accepters and problem solvers: managing risk in the masters Highland Games
European Journal for Sport and Society Pub Date : 2019-12-27 , DOI: 10.1080/16138171.2019.1706250
James Bowness 1

Abstract Narratives of ageing are often negative, focussing on later life as a period defined by biological decline. A growing population of older adults (Masters athletes) participating in sport challenge these assumptions. Existing research demonstrates how Masters athletes transcend and challenge dominant discourses of ageing and resist enfeeblement. To do so requires a negotiation with risk, pain and injury. Examining these processes in younger athletes developed within the sociology of sport during the 1990s. This literature explored risk-taking sub-cultures across different sports and between genders. Yet an analysis of how older athletes manage risk has hitherto not taken place. In order to expand this corpus of work to Masters athletes, this article provides a case study of the Masters Highland Games. Drawing upon in-depth interviews with 19 athletes aged between 40 and 75, two ideal types that describe approaches to risk taking are proposed. Informed by the ideas of Giddens, these ideal types will demonstrate the variety of ways that resistance relates to risk, pain and injury. This case study demonstrates that some Masters athletes share traits identified in research with younger athletes, such as the acceptance of their practice being inherently risky and the act of normalising pain. However, most Masters athletes exhibit a more problem solving approach that adopts various strategies that manage the risks of ageing.



摘要 关于衰老的叙述通常是负面的,将晚年视为生物衰退所定义的时期。越来越多的老年人(大师级运动员)参与运动挑战了这些假设。现有研究表明,大师赛运动员如何超越和挑战衰老的主流话语并抵制衰弱。要做到这一点,需要进行风险、痛苦和伤害的谈判。对 1990 年代体育社会学中发展起来的年轻运动员的这些过程进行检查。这些文献探讨了不同运动和性别之间的冒险亚文化。然而,迄今为止还没有对老年运动员如何管理风险进行分析。为了将这一工作语料库扩展到大师赛运动员,本文提供了大师赛高地运动会的案例研究。通过对 19 名年龄在 40 至 75 岁之间的运动员的深入访谈,提出了两种描述冒险方法的理想类型。根据吉登斯的思想,这些理想类型将展示抵抗与风险、疼痛和伤害相关的各种方式。该案例研究表明,一些大师赛运动员与年轻运动员具有研究中确定的特征,例如接受他们的练习固有的风险和使疼痛正常化的行为。然而,大多数大师赛运动员表现出更多解决问题的方法,即采用各种管理衰老风险的策略。疼痛和伤害。该案例研究表明,一些大师赛运动员与年轻运动员具有研究中确定的特征,例如接受他们的练习固有的风险和使疼痛正常化的行为。然而,大多数大师赛运动员表现出更多解决问题的方法,即采用各种管理衰老风险的策略。疼痛和伤害。该案例研究表明,一些大师赛运动员与年轻运动员具有研究中确定的特征,例如接受他们的练习固有的风险和使疼痛正常化的行为。然而,大多数大师赛运动员表现出更多解决问题的方法,即采用各种管理衰老风险的策略。