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Perception of Faculty of the Bologna Process at a Spanish Technical University: A Perspective of Change and Improvement
European Education Pub Date : 2018-11-23 , DOI: 10.1080/10564934.2018.1474715
Paz Kindelan 1 , Esperanza Ayuga-Téllez 1 , Deborah Martin 2 , Mercedes Valiente 1

The Bologna Process affects the academic community, particularly faculty members who have to implement the process. This study is an initiative by a group of lecturers to evaluate the perception of faculty members in the implementation of the Bologna Process. The aim was to assess the evolution of their opinion on the process since a 2011 survey, and their degree of agreement with the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The results show that faculty members call for more adequate training for the new EHEA process and more institutional support. The study reveals the need for greater involvement and collaboration among faculty members to improve the reform process.


