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All the Gods of the World: Modern Maya Ritual in Yucatán, Mexico
Ethnoarchaeology Pub Date : 2016-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/19442890.2016.1150627
Bradley W. Russell 1

The modern residents of Yucatán, Mexico blend traditional Maya beliefs in a pantheon of ancient gods and other supernatural forces with more recent Catholic traditions flowing from centuries of Spanish colonial influence. This paper compares and contrasts four modern rituals from the Yucatec Maya village of Telchaquillo, Yucatán. Each rite was associated with a local cenote, limestone sinkholes that along with caves serve as accesses to the Maya underworld and homes to the gods themselves. Our research suggests considerable cultural continuity with the ancient residents of the Postclassic Maya center of Mayapán where cenotes were regularly paired with important ritual architecture and sometimes contain human remains and other indications of ritual activity. The ceremonies documented in this paper provide information about Maya cosmology, gender roles and long held beliefs about cenotes and agricultural fertility.



墨西哥尤卡坦州的现代居民将古代诸神和其他超自然力量的万神殿中的传统玛雅信仰与源自西班牙殖民影响数百年的近代天主教传统融为一体。本文比较和对比了尤卡坦州特尔查基约尤卡特克玛雅村的四种现代仪式。每个仪式都与当地的一个天然井有关,石灰岩天坑与洞穴一起作为通往玛雅黑社会的通道和众神的家园。我们的研究表明,玛雅潘后古典玛雅中心的古代居民具有相当大的文化连续性,在那里,cenotes 经常与重要的仪式建筑配对,有时还包含人类遗骸和其他仪式活动迹象。本文中记录的仪式提供了有关玛雅宇宙学的信息,