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Towards an immanent ontology of teaching Leonard Bernstein as a case-study
Ethics and Education Pub Date : 2019-12-06 , DOI: 10.1080/17449642.2019.1700444
Joris Vlieghe 1 , Piotr Zamojski 2

ABSTRACT In this article, we argue that it is possible to approach teaching from a fully affirmative perspective: as an educational practice that has its own internal logic and intrinsic value. By analysing a fragment from one of the Leonard Bernstein’s Young People’s Concerts presented in this article as a teaching event, we show that when starting from an empirical example of teaching it is possible to distinguish principles and gestures that testify to an ontological dimension of teaching. This is possible, however, only when a particular reading of this empirical material is applied. We call this an immanent reading, as opposed to a transcendent (in this case critical) reading. It should be clear that this kind of inquiry we briefly demonstrate here is exactly a post-critical attempt to re-establish our affirmative relation with one of the most devalued, repressed, and neglected educational practice, namely teaching.



摘要在本文中,我们认为可以从完全肯定的观点出发进行教学:作为一种具有自己的内部逻辑和内在价值的教育实践。通过分析本文中介绍的伦纳德·伯恩斯坦(Leonard Bernstein)的青年音乐会之一作为教学活动的片段,我们表明,当从经验的教学示例开始时,可​​以区分证明教学的本体论维度的原理和手势。但是,只有在对此经验材料进行特定阅读的情况下才有可能。我们称这是一种内在的阅读,而不是超越(在这种情况下很关键)的阅读。