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Trading Spaces: Antiblackness and Reflections on Black Education Futures
Equity & Excellence in Education Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1080/10665684.2020.1764882
Chezare A. Warren , Justin A. Coles

ABSTRACT Antiblackness, or the socially constructed rendering of Black bodies as inhuman, disposable, and inherently problematic, is the legacy of chattel slavery in the U.S. This article explores the visionary possibility of learning to recognize, honor and steward Black Education Spaces (BES). BES might be considered physical locations, cultural practices, traditions, and opportunities for black students and educators to: (a) heal from the racialized assaults resulting from antiblackness; and (b) strategize resistance to manifestations of antiblackness. The authors analyze Derrick Bell’s “The Space Traders” to discern the relationship between antiblackness and Bell’s commentary on black liberation. They then explore the implications of antiblackness on the schooling of black people in the afterlife of slavery, and put forward a conceptual model of BES. The article concludes with reflections on black education futures, and the implications of BES to achieve black people’s diverse dreams of freedom.



摘要 反黑人,或社会建构的将黑人身体渲染为不人道、可随意处置和固有问题,是美国动产奴隶制的遗产。本文探讨了学习识别、尊重和管理黑人教育空间 (BES) 的远见卓识的可能性。BES 可能被视为黑人学生和教育工作者的物理位置、文化习俗、传统和机会:(a) 从反黑人运动造成的种族化攻击中治愈;(b) 制定抵抗反黑表现的策略。作者通过分析德里克·贝尔的《太空交易者》来辨别反黑人与贝尔对黑人解放的评论之间的关系。然后,他们探讨了反黑人对奴隶制来世后黑人学校教育的影响,并提出了BES的概念模型。文章最后反思了黑人教育的未来,以及 BES 对实现黑人多样化自由梦想的影响。