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Interiority as Narrative Agency in Teju Cole’s Open City
English Academy Review Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1080/10131752.2020.1827712
Philip Aghoghovwia 1

Abstract This article examines interiority as a narrative technique in Teju Cole’s Open City (London: Faber & Faber, 2011). It suggests that Cole employs this form to depict the dynamics of migration and globalisation and the various ways in which the peripatetic protagonist, Julius, dislocated and marked by whimsical restlessness, becomes a cosmopolitan subject—or a fraught “Afropolitan”, as other critics have argued. This article draws on existing studies to propose another direction of inquiry. It shows how, in dispensing with conventional novelistic forms of plot with well-defined characters and dialogue, the novel privileges interiority as a principal mode of articulation. It postulates that interiority names and describes the agential utility of an intersubjective consciousness that inhabits the protagonist, and that this is a consciousness through which he performs a sense of presence and belonging in the metropolitan centres of the Western world.


Teju Cole 开放城市中作为叙事机构的内部性

摘要 本文在 Teju Cole 的《开放城市》(伦敦:Faber & Faber,2011 年)中将内在性作为一种叙事技巧进行了研究。这表明科尔采用这种形式来描绘移民和全球化的动态以及四处游荡的主角朱利叶斯以异想天开的不安为特征的各种方式,成为一个世界主义的主题——或者像其他评论家所描述的那样充满活力的“非洲人”争辩道。本文借鉴现有研究提出另一个研究方向。它表明,在摒弃传统的小说形式的情节定义明确的人物和对话时,小说如何将内在性作为主要的表达方式。它假定内在性命名并描述了居住在主角中的主体间意识的代理效用,