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Pygmalion’s 50th anniversary: the state of the art in teacher expectation research
Educational Research and Evaluation Pub Date : 2018-04-03 , DOI: 10.1080/13803611.2018.1548785
Anneke C. Timmermans 1 , Christine M. Rubie-Davies 2 , Camilla Rjosk 3

In 2018, we celebrate 50 years of research on teacher expectations. This tradition began with the publication of the influential book Pygmalion in the Classroom by Rosenthal and Jacobson (1968). Rosenthal and Jacobson concluded that if teachers’ expectations about student ability were manipulated early in the school year, those expectations would carry over to affect how the students performed on an IQ test. From the very first moment, this work received many critiques (e.g., Thorndike, 1968), although it must also be noted that it was both brave and ground-breaking to bring research on experimenter effects into classrooms. It marked the beginning of a rich tradition of investigating teachers’ expectations. Now, 50 years after the start of teacher expectation research, it is time to reflect on what we have achieved thus far and what promising directions there are for moving forward. There seem a number of (more or less) uncontested findings with regard to teacher expectations. First, some studies have shown that teachers are relatively accurate in their expectations (Jussim & Harber, 2005), but nevertheless teachers seem to favour some students over others in their expectations (e.g., De Boer, Bosker, & Van der Werf, 2010; Glock & Krolak-Schwerdt, 2013; Rubie-Davies, 2010; Riley & Ungerleider, 2012; Sorhagen, 2013; Tenenbaum & Ruck, 2007; Timmermans, De Boer, & Van der Werf, 2016). Specifically, teachers seem to favour students from more affluent families over those from less affluent families. In addition, teachers appear to hold lower expectations than warranted for special needs students (Arabsolghar & Elkins, 2000; Cameron & Cook, 2013; Moscardini, 2015). However, evidence regarding the relations between teacher expectations and student ethnicity and gender have been found to be more inconsistent. Some studies found lower expectations for ethnic minority students than for majority students, for boys in reading, and for girls in mathematics, whereas other studies did not show differences by gender or ethnicity. Second, teachers’ expectations affect subsequent teaching behaviour; for example, through teachers providing more opportunities to learn, asking richer questions, and providing learning-focussed feedback to students for whom the teachers have high expectations (e.g., Brophy & Good, 1970; Good & Lavigne, 2018; RubieDavies, 2007; Tenenbaum & Ruck, 2007; Weinstein, 2002). Third, teacher expectations work as a self-fulfilling prophecy (Merton, 1948) on subsequent student outcomes such as performance, intelligence, and motivation, by means of differential behaviour of teachers towards highand low-expectation students as well as via the opportunity to learn that is provided to different students (Brophy & Good, 1970). The estimated effect sizes of the selffulfilling prophecy in the academic domain, however, differ considerably between reviews and meta-analyses (Hattie, 2009, d = .43; Jussim & Harber, 2005, r = .1–.2; Raudenbush, 1984, d = .11; Rosenthal & Rubin, 1978, d = .70).



在2018年,我们庆祝了有关教师期望的50年研究。这一传统始于罗森塔尔和雅各布森(1968)出版的颇有影响力的书《皮格马利翁在教室》。罗森塔尔(Rosenthal)和雅各布森(Jacobson)得出结论,如果教师在学年初期操纵了对学生能力的期望,这些期望将会延续下去,从而影响学生在智商测试中的表现。从一开始,这项工作就受到了许多批评(例如,Thorndike,1968年),尽管还必须指出,将对实验者效果的研究带入课堂既勇敢又开创性。这标志着调查老师期望的丰富传统的开始。现在,在教师期望研究开始50年后,现在该反思我们迄今为止所取得的成就以及前进的方向。关于教师期望,似乎有(或多或少)无争议的发现。首先,一些研究表明,教师的期望值相对准确(Jussim和Harber,2005年),但在期望值上,教师似乎还是偏向某些学生(例如,De Boer,Bosker和Van der Werf,2010年)。 Glock&Krolak-Schwerdt,2013; Rubie-Davies,2010; Riley&Ungerleider,2012; Sorhagen,2013; Tenenbaum&Ruck,2007; Timmermans,De Boer和Van der Werf,2016)。具体来说,教师似乎更喜欢富裕家庭的学生而不是富裕家庭的学生。此外,教师对特殊需求学生的期望似乎比对他们的期望要低(Arabsolghar&Elkins,2000; Cameron&Cook,2013; Moscardini,2015)。但是,有关教师期望与学生种族和性别之间关系的证据被发现更加不一致。一些研究发现,对少数民族学生的期望比对多数学生,对阅读的男孩和对数学的女孩的期望低,而其他研究则没有显示性别或种族差异。其次,教师的期望会影响后续的教学行为。例如,通过教师提供更多的学习机会,提出更丰富的问题​​,并向他们寄予厚望的学生提供以学习为重点的反馈(例如,Brophy&Good,1970; Good&Lavigne,2018; RubieDavies,2007; Tenenbaum&Ruck,2007;温斯坦(2002)。第三,通过教师对高期望和低期望学生的不同行为,以及通过学习的机会,教师期望可以作为一种自我实现的预言(默顿,1948年),对随后的学生表现(例如绩效,智力和动机)产生影响。提供给不同的学生(Brophy&Good,1970)。然而,在评价和荟萃分析之间,自我实现预言的估计效应大小在学术领域有很大差异(Hattie,2009年,d = 0.43; Jussim和Harber,2005年,r = 0.1–0.2; Raudenbush,1984年)。 ,d = 0.11; Rosenthal&Rubin,1978,d = 0.70)。智力和动机,通过教师对高期望和低期望学生的不同行为,以及通过提供给不同学生的学习机会来实现(Brophy&Good,1970)。然而,在评价和荟萃分析之间,自我实现预言的估计效应大小在学术领域有很大差异(Hattie,2009年,d = 0.43; Jussim和Harber,2005年,r = 0.1–0.2; Raudenbush,1984年)。 ,d = 0.11; Rosenthal&Rubin,1978,d = 0.70)。智力和动机,通过教师对高期望和低期望学生的不同行为,以及通过提供给不同学生的学习机会来实现(Brophy&Good,1970)。然而,在评价和荟萃分析之间,自我实现的预言在学术领域的估计效果大小差异很大(Hattie,2009,d = 0.43; Jussim和Harber,2005,r = 0.1–0.2; Raudenbush,1984)。 ,d = 0.11; Rosenthal&Rubin,1978,d = 0.70)。