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Uncovering the Unwritten: A Paratextual Analysis of Autofiction
Life Writing Pub Date : 2020-07-29 , DOI: 10.1080/14484528.2020.1801132
Allira Hanczakowski 1


By nature, autofiction texts often present a strong connection between the story and the external context in which it has been created. This relationship is often represented through the paratext. This paper analyses the importance of paratextual elements in autofiction, using the Italian text La festa dei limoni (FL) by Marco Braico (2011a, La festa dei limoni. Torino: Effatà Editrice., 2015a, La festa dei limoni. Milano: Edizioni Piemme.) as a case study. The narration of the text follows Braico’s alter ego, Gabriele, along his journey fighting leukaemia. This theme of illness and recovery lies at the centre of a real-life project attached to the book, which involves using the profits from the sale of Braico’s books to donate equipment to cancer wards in Italian hospitals. FL’s autofictional nature has contributed to significant changes of the book’s peritext (the book cover and the preface), between its two editions. This article explores the dynamic interaction between the text’s genre and paratext. Combining theoretical insights with a discussion of the real-life fundraising campaign at the root of this book provides a glimpse of the importance and complexities of paratextual inquiry within the emerging genre of autofiction.




从本质上讲,自传文本通常在故事与其创作的外部背景之间呈现出强烈的联系。这种关系通常通过副文本来表示。本文使用Marco Braico ( 2011a, La festa dei limoni . Torino: Effatà Editrice., 2015a, La festa dei limoni. Milano: Edizioni Piemme.) 作为案例研究。文本的叙述跟随了布雷科的另一个自我,加布里埃尔,在他与白血病作斗争的过程中。这个疾病和康复的主题是本书附带的一个真实项目的中心,该项目涉及利用出售 Braico 书籍的利润向意大利医院的癌症病房捐赠设备。佛罗里达州的自小说性质促成了这本书的外围文本(书的封面和序言)在两个版本之间发生了重大变化。本文探讨了文本的体裁和副文本之间的动态交互。本书将理论见解与对现实生活中的筹款活动的讨论相结合,让我们得以一窥在新兴的自传体裁中超文本探究的重要性和复杂性。
