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Indoor Air Pollution, Gender and Illness at the Montezuma Castle Cliff Dwelling
KIVA Pub Date : 2021-01-21 , DOI: 10.1080/00231940.2020.1871255
Matthew C. Guebard 1

This paper outlines an experiment to investigate the health burden of exposure to indoor air pollution (IAP) at the Montezuma Castle cliff dwelling (AZ O:5:14 [ASM]) using ethnographic analogy, experimental archaeology and contemporary medical data. Hearths inside the rooms of Montezuma Castle, along with sooting on ancient walls and roof beams suggest that inhabitants were exposed to smoke-filled air and at risk for serious short and long-term health problems. To explore this idea, air quality measurements were collected in a replicated pueblo room while wood was burned to produce smoke. These measurements are compared to contemporary medical data and along with the use of ethnographic analogy and archaeological data, suggest that women and children were routinely exposed to wood smoke and at risk for developing IAP-related illnesses. The results of this study also suggest that IAP-related illness had an impact on individual households including decision making, family dynamics and overall productivity.



本文概述了一项利用人种学比喻,实验考古学和当代医学数据研究蒙特祖玛城堡悬崖住宅(AZ O:5:14 [ASM])暴露于室内空气污染(IAP)的健康负担的实验。蒙特祖玛城堡房间内的炉膛以及古老的墙壁和屋顶横梁上的烟灰表明,居民暴露于烟雾弥漫的空气中,并且有严重的短期和长期健康问题的风险。为了探索这一思想,在燃烧木材以产生烟雾的同时,在复制的镇屋中收集了空气质量测量值。这些测量结果与当代医学数据进行了比较,并与人种学类比和考古学数据进行了比较,表明妇女和儿童经常暴露于木烟中,并有患IAP相关疾病的风险。
