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“Non-violent evangelism”: a look at how members of evangelical faith-based organizations share faith with service recipients in Southern, Ontario, Canada
Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought Pub Date : 2021-02-08 , DOI: 10.1080/15426432.2021.1878973
Ravi Gokani 1 , Lea Caragata 2


This present work shares data from a mixed-methods study in Southern Ontario, Canada, focused on understanding faith sharing (often called evangelism or proselytism) within evangelical faith-based organizations. The study figures against the backdrop of the relatively scant literature on understanding evangelism in social service settings. The findings reveal multiple ways in which faith-based organizations seek to evangelize clients “non-violently”, i.e., in a fashion that is not forceful or coercive. Here we focus on three: (1) through sharing and imparting a worldview; (2) through faith as a service modality; and (3) through social support. Analyzed against the backdrop of existing literature on faith-based organizations and ethical social service delivery, our findings suggest the need for further inquiry into social service delivery by faith-based organizations (FBOs). The paper discusses some valuable elements of the service provided by FBOs but also raises critical questions about client self determination and autonomy and service free from coercion – even if faith-sharing is in its gentlest and most well-intentioned form.




目前的工作分享了在加拿大安大略省南部进行的一项混合方法研究的数据,重点是了解福音派信仰组织内的信仰分享(通常称为传福音或传教)。该研究的背景是关于理解社会服务环境中传福音的文献相对较少。调查结果揭示了基于信仰的组织寻求以“非暴力”方式向客户传福音的多种方式,即以非强制或胁迫的方式。在这里,我们关注三点:(1)通过分享和传授世界观;(2) 通过信仰作为服务方式;(3) 通过社会支持。在现有关于信仰组织和合乎道德的社会服务提供的文献的背景下进行分析,我们的研究结果表明,需要进一步调查信仰组织 (FBO) 提供的社会服务。这篇论文讨论了 FBO 提供的服务的一些有价值的元素,但也提出了关于客户自决和自治以及不受胁迫的服务的关键问题——即使信仰分享是最温和和最善意的形式。
