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Reaching Out, Reaching In: Museum Educators and Radical Transformation
Journal of Museum Education Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1080/10598650.2020.1831793
Kerry Downey

ABSTRACT This article offers a gender/queer, first-person perspective of the necessary role educators play in the link between museums and local communities who have been historically and systemically oppressed (BIPOC, LGBTQ+, people with disabilities and intersections therein). By linking racial and labor equity, this article argues for a deeper consideration of the ways museums are activated and transformed through educators’ labor and praxes. In order to create greater equity and to achieve museums’ missions, we must look to educators as leaders in the work of transforming white supremacy culture. This article offers the “handle” as a model for political understanding of how relationships are structured through power and oppression, thereby locating ways we can radically transform our institutions by centering equity, anti-racism, and education. Critical to any social justice work, art is the active space that is essential for creative expression and our holistic well-being.



摘要 本文提供了一个性别/酷儿的第一人称视角,阐述了教育工作者在博物馆与受到历史和系统性压迫的当地社区(BIPOC、LGBTQ+、残疾人和其中的交叉点)之间的联系中所发挥的必要作用。通过将种族和劳工公平联系起来,本文主张更深入地考虑博物馆通过教育工作者的劳动和实践被激活和转变的方式。为了创造更大的公平性并实现博物馆的使命,我们必须将教育工作者视为转变白人至上文化工作的领导者。本文提供了“手柄”,作为政治理解如何通过权力和压迫构建关系的模型,从而找到我们可以通过以公平、反种族主义和教育为中心从根本上改变我们制度的方式。